quote of the day

1 Conversation

Collection of front page quotes.

Some are a litte reduced to make them readable and clickable.




"I may be wrong, but businesses do not grow by recruiting or encouraging dull blobby clones."




"Hey don't tar the Wombles with the same brush - they were musically very accomplished."




"First day of real winter today. Below freezing, and the wind is brutal. Hope it will be better tomorrow. Long Island, N.Y."

QUOTE OF THE DAY:  'A disappointment for me is that Sir Paul seems to keep everything about the Beatles 'acceptable'. Never an insight of the harsh, or hedonistic reality in those days.'

QUOTE OF THE DAY:  'i want 2 cancel this account what 2 do'

QUOTE OF THE DAY:  'I was going to do 'schisms alienating the neo-platonist paradigm' but I think this has grabbed my attention for the moment.'

QUOTE OF THE DAY:  'I also got thrown off a course for the terminally unemployed by 'misusing' their computers for surfing hootoo.'

QUOTE OF THE DAY:  'I know that my arguments were superb, but unfortunately I can't remember which side I was arguing for.'

QUOTE OF THE DAY:  'Einstein - I seem to remember he had integrity for some reason - something about feeling responsible for the bomb he helped to invent. Then again maybe not.'

QUOTE OF THE DAY:  'I was going to do 'schisms alienating the neo-platonist paradigm' but I think this has grabbed my attention for the moment.'

QUOTE OF THE DAY:  'A pretty girl in a bikini always works for me! If there are more Front Pages like that, I'll be checking in regularly.'

QUOTE OF THE DAY:  '"Dear forty two in tha Big Brutha howse, and arl the howsemayats are forced to live exclusively on vegetables of the Apiaceae famlee."'

QUOTE OF THE DAY:  'There was a farmer here in Ireland a while ago who did manage to rig up a generator that made electricity from his cows' dung. In fact, he managed to produce a surplus...'

QUOTE OF THE DAY:  'Can I just say, this thread is like a car crash. Every hair on my body is standing on end but I can't stop reading...'

QUOTE OF THE DAY:  'That's the great thing about music, it's subjective. I mean, I think I can sing, but I've yet to meet someone who agrees.'

QUOTE OF THE DAY:  'We are, of course, all facing death. My preferred method is calm acceptance. Whether I could maintain such a detatched attitude while falling from a plane I am not quite sure.'

QUOTE OF THE DAY:  'One day you'll look back and tell your grandkids about the day some nutter on a computer who you couldn't see, and had never met, typed a few things on a thing called a keyboard, and asked you to put a little yellow face on one of those old things they used to call a computer.'

QUOTE OF THE DAY:  'Credit cards. smiley - grr It bugs me when people spend money on them and then blame the companies for giving them the money.'

QUOTE OF THE DAY:  'Does anyone else have music playing in their head? I have a whole soundtrack to my life. God help me, I get the most cheesy songs...'

QUOTE OF THE DAY:  'Personally, I think as dumb ideas go, this one rates alongside drinking electricity.'

QUOTE OF THE DAY:  'smiley - love Pain or no pain, I still believe in love. smiley - smiley '

QUOTE OF THE DAY:  'A friend of mine used to have a dog what would start licking the screen if there were puppies on it.'

QUOTE OF THE DAY:  'A man named John Bellavia has entered over 5,000 contests, and has never won anything.'

QUOTE OF THE DAY:  'The front page Quote of the Day comes from this very thread.'

QUOTE OF THE DAY:  'I forgot to mention my rather large collection of Garfields. I have between 40-50 of them, all with beady eyes that watch me sleeping.'

QUOTE OF THE DAY:  'It just goes to show how amazing a VW 1300 with a 'body kit' can be...plus it didn't smell of fish when it rained.'

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