My Poetry

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The Rainbow FlagComing Out

It starts when you're quite young but you dont know what it means, finding words to tell your folks is harder that it seems.
For guys they are now saying, its a mess up in the genes, for girls they said, its in their head, seems quite daft to me!
Growing up is really tough, especially at school, do they think we really choose, to feel just like a fool? Keeping up with fashion is one way to stay alive, but if you're in the 'in' group, you surely will survive. "You have to find a boyfriend" is what convention says, its never quite that easy when you are the other way.

Your friends don't seem to notice, if they do they just dont care, the way you always watch girls going up the stairs.
But, if they see the way you sit and stare at a certain teacher with a bit of flair, the normal thing is to take the piss, of dykey girl who fancies 'miss'.
They think its dirty and it's sick, if you're a girl who fancies chicks, no-one cares whats in your heart, its just a chance for them to start.

And then you'll leave and get a job, you hope to find a friend, someone who feels the way you do, to help the pain to end.
In my case, I've been lucky and we've had the greatest time, I've made new friends and even found my partner in crime.

So, my advice to you is this: Ignore what others say, be happy being who you are, be proud to say you're gay!

Forever and Ever

Forever and ever,
is really not that long.
Forever's just a second,
since the day you came along.
If forever means a lifetime,
what happens at the end?
does forever keep on going
or pick up with a friend?
What really is forever,
is it old or is it new?
All I know is I dont care,
as long as its with you.
So pack up all your worries,
in a suitcase titled 'never'
'cause here we go,
just me and you
on a journey called 'forever'

The heroic Odysseus, a boat, and a galloping white horse.The Wish

Love in your eyes,
Smile in your heart,
Tears on your lips,
Spread slightly apart.

Laugh in your wake,
Cry in the park,
Passion at midnight,
Alone in the dark.

Silence in shadows,
Screaming at day,
horror in hallways,
The nightmare at bay.

An angel at breakfast,
A devil by dusk,
Stranger at lunchtime,
reminded by musk

A kiss on my pillow,
an evening well spent,
Lay on the carpet,
my spectacles bent

Packing your suitcase,
your things in the hall,
here I'll be waiting,
in case you call.

A dream of a vision,
a memory past,
the taste of your lips,
an emotion to last.

Hearts need mending,
time to leave,
God, I love you,
if you only believe

For I see the love in your eyes,
a smile in your heart,
the tears on your lips,
spread slightly apart!

All penned by my own fair hand.

If you'd like to read some of my favourite poems by known poets, click HERE or if you'd like to read a few more by myself, click HERE

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