It only gets darker!

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Kensal Green CatacombsUntitled

Take away the sunshine
pack up the moon,
darkness and shadows
alone in my room.
Torment and sadness,
screams in my head,
welcoming darkness,
to die in my bed.
Ripping my heart,
tearing my soul,
a monster to humans,
alone in this hole.
Stop screaming!
Stop shouting at me!
I'm not even existing,
I want to be free!
Can't somebody save me,
take me away,
stand up to the horrors,
keep the evils at bay?
Wasting away,
in a desert of fear,
if I started screaming,
would anyone hear?
Standing on stage,
alone in the show,
if I die tomorrow,
would anyone know?
I doubt that they'd notice,
I know they don't care,
I know that I'm whinging,
but it's really not fair.
That's all I'm saying,
I'm stating the truth,
if you think I'm lying,
my 'life' is the proof.
Sometimes it gets me,
cuts holes in my heart,
rips into my smile,
blows my body apart.
I don't know how to laugh,
only how to cry,
misery drags me lower,
if I was happy I could fly.
I'm drowning in insults,
swimming in tears,
dying a little,
amongst all the jeers.
I dream of flying,
high in the clouds,
can't finish this sentance,
the yelling's too loud.......

A baobab treeWeeping Willow

Breathing life into a world unknown,
providing dreams and arms to hold
a subtle love in things you've grown.
Standing tall and proud and strong,
never judging right from wrong.
Silently you wait alone,
even when the birds have flown.
Come rain or snow or hail or shine,
I always know that power is mine,
I come and sit within your shade,
long tresses provide a welcome glade,
but the thought I have is why you weep,
constant sorrow from that secret you keep.
I wish I knew the reason you cry permanently,
is it that we are drawn to the sadness we see?
No matter the reason, you still welcome all,
the lonely join you in the fall,
to sit with you and share your pain
I always miss you in the rain,
I see the darkness and damage you do,
if someone hurts or the skies are cruel
Your beauty and elegance outweigh all this,
don't ever go, for all that I'll miss,
You're so special, I wish you could see,
the inspiration and love in me,
created by you and the powers that be,
my only Weeping Willow tree.

RainbowAs Yet Unfinished

I'd like to claim the ocean,
in honour of your name,
the ripple of each wave,
a dedication to your fame.
I wish to name the star,
that matches the twinkle in your eye,
a testimont to beauty,
lighting up the darkest sky.
If I could, I'd plant the forest,
that would represent your strength,
deep and dark and perfect,
with immeasurable length.
I want to name the feeling,
that's created just by you,
but if I live to be 100,
I still wouldn't have a clue!
If by now, you still don't get it,
the reason we're all here,
just take a look around you,
I think it's pretty clear!
And here's the end where I do struggle,
To find a word that really rhymes,
So hat's off to you baby,
And here's to many happy times!

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