Computer magic

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SEx: Cam computer's funtioning be affected just by who operates it?
Post: 1
Posted 3 Days Ago by Admiral Phil - Marksist Rabbits Battle Fleet Commander, - *P.U.D.D.I.N.G. Penant*, Lord of Bubble Wrap & Black Fruit Pastels
I ask because my mum has an increasing problem. our shared conputer, which works fine for me, Often freezes or crashes for her. She performs the same functions as me and usally tasks it less than I do, I tend to run many programs at once she runs one at atime.

I have heard that some people, my father amoung them, cannot wear watches, they simply stop for no apparant reason. Is there any basis in science for this? Could a computer suffer the same problem? Could the appearance have something to do with my resent introduction of a whire less keyboard and mouse?

-- Ste
I think computers like dudes better.

My missus has exactly the same problem. Drives her NUTS. She'll be working on the computer and something will not work as expected or some error crops up. She eventually complains to me and I have to stop what I'm doing, get up and walk over there. As soon as I touch the mouse to investigate what's gone wrong it magically gets fixed.

-- F2124165?thread=3890215

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