Created | Updated Feb 17, 2007
LEISURE DISTRICT :>Our appalling site for Leisure District Junkies on Telewest
The now defunct Leisure District page! - Check out the link below for my new page..
:::Page created January '01 by jarve @ Billy's pad in Sheffield..:::
Click me for Jarve's NEW page...
Well then, here we have it peeps! This was once the first page that the 'magic E-mail' link would have brought a lot of you ld'ers to.
I have to say now that the original link was in one of aka's profiles on LD that brought you to his page, nice work Chris! That was the good old days, using HTML to work around the LD site.. Great fun.
So, what now?
Well.. Nothing much! LOL! What have us stragglers got but a memory of the times we had... Was fun for a few years! Friends were made, relationships.. kids even! God only knows!!
So, feel free to leave a message if you wanna get in touch with any of the old gang, I'm sure with the addies i have of all you lot, we can trace anyone.. If they wanna be that is :-)
I never could understand why i used that shat symbol...???...
So yeh, here I am adding bits randomly to my page, i am not sure if anyone still reads this page like, gimma a shout if you don' So who's the 'daddy' these days on h2? lol! Greta phrase that aint it! Well.. I think so anyway! Well, off to go for some beers at th shp now, carry on reading below for some older randon rubbish..
From Mr.B.Whizzz and from Jarve we bid you happy hiking!!
Here is a piccy of what we thought the governess looked like:
As you may be aware Ld fans, this site is based on the hitchikers guide to the Galaxy. Don't ask me though... I never watched Remember the old 6050 blue boxes on the tw boxes? The constant moaning etc! What fun...
Peace + Love peeps!!!!
. And dont be drinking too much you hear!?..
Jarve, patron saint of uninhibited delerium
Jarve's© 3rd attempt at something worthwhile...
ZOOM!!!Here are my other pages.. (Don't post on em cos I don't really use em anymore..)
My first..
My second..
If your on the net, check out my webring @ JARVE.ME.UK
My second..
Here is my LD webring, maybe you can trace some old mates via it..? Ld webring
Here is my face-party profile wiv some pics etc.. {{{{HAve a laff....}}}}
Digi-box friendly homepage for TW boxes, URL browser included..
Oh yeh tip: If you have a homepage, try giving peeps your homepage user name and so instead of give them So folks, what do you expect me to do in here?
just hang about until any of these lot say hi?¿»
Well, I can't wait that long, I'm bored, so, I'm gonna fill you in on a few things. Keeps me entertained at least.
Ok so, a little bit my clubbing history yeh?? Well, I started clubbing back in 1993 at the Her Majestys pleasure™ and Creams™ they had at Maestro's™ in Bradford. I then went on to Back to Basics™ at the Belle Aire nightclub in Huddersfield. Then I went on to work the nightclubs and bars until I reached the great status of bars manager at the space in Leeds, then I quit :p I wanted my evenings back So, in the meantime I witnessed the birth of Sundissential™, plus the birth of the Glasshouse™ in Leeds oooh so long ago! It was a pokey little club on Wellington street, pre Digbys. The last major stint of clubbing in my life was at the parlez-vous™ all i can say about that place is WOAW!br/>
Got myself a Rover 416 GSi 16v, lovely 800 sub in the back, if your ever unlucky enough to be offered a lift off me, pack clean under wear and ear plugs, I drive fast and have the music nice and loud...
Work history
Left school at 15½ went to work in the fish market on £1.75 an hour (disgusting wage for the work). Lasted 2 years, at 18 went to work in the clubs.. Still doing it now. Had a 2 year gap where I worked for the NHS in Bradford as a payroll officer, good money. Just.. Working in a nearly all female environment sat down all day brought me down.. ..oh, trust me, I'm never down as a rule so I had to go.. I aim to be a bars/club manager by the age of 30.. Sounds a bit like a cv doesn't it..?
Here we have the mad world of that mad lass .buttons32.
The man who knew one Beemer wasn't enough Thedistrictbrat.
Here we have the man who kept upto me and Bratty at drinking Rebel Wolf.
The dark and mysterious ~~Insomniac.Vampire~~ .
One of the simplest pages but gotta laugh at the truthfullness AngelicWItch.
The kind couple from Sheffield, now Kent to whome I first set up a h2g2 apge with Billy Whizzz and Debs.
Here we have the princess of heart herself H Marie from Liverpool.
Tarot cards? Hers a friendly lassVenus.
Dee dee dee dee dee Crazy Liverpool lass.
Yoomedia ip addresses to various intereactive stuff. To access yoome2 chat by the web, you need to goto BUT it doesn't run, SSL port 443 works but still not workin'..? Anyone any ideas? Have tried https.. ym entry ym entry devel.yoomedia development tests
:443/ chat yoome ym object counters pre demo entry naughts and crosses ym entry hello lots of zipped datelines says test ym entry jaw breaker games games blocka game dateline main ym admin log in ym portal ym chat dev dateline open ym entry
Words that sum up my life---- So if I was to sum up my life in a few words.. {and so google can find me }
See below
mark anthony access leisuredistrict jarvis jarve bradford biscuitmonsters clubbing hard house
4clubbers clubbing clubber leisuredistrict leisure district [email protected]
[email protected] addy! mark_jarve [email protected]
[email protected] bradford maestros kiss
berlins ravenscliffe middleton miggy - homepage
[email protected] funky house parlez parlez-vous vous
And that is that. if you wanna know why I put all them words, ask me in e-mail, one ..
Created: 1st July 2002
Jarve world.
Please check out my main pade at A604847©...oo-er
Yes I just thought a nice random picture would set the pace off well, welcome, whyever you arrived on this page I will never know! (or want to know)..
So, what can I random on about here, aha! How about Oh god this is terrible, never in my entire-aty? (spelling gone on one there) have I ever had the missfortune to come across such a lame page such as my own! My mother would NOT be proud! My pc belongs here in a
Yes so a bit about misen, Im a 26 year old geezer, hard working...
Hang on, this sounds like a date show, 4get that! Me iz 'appy ere in mi own little world!
So n e ways, yeh Im not as wierd as you all think, Im just 'different' so mi doc says :p pmp K, Ive said mi bit, I'm off to dwell now!
Links to friends sites The district brat
Whizz 'n' Debs
Aha! I 4got 2 tell U about mi job, Im a payroll officer 4 the NHS here in Britain, I used to be a bars manager over in Leeds, that was FUN!!!
But they dont pay as well as the NHS.. -laters Ps- my 1st page that I did with billy n debs is here, though I lost mi password AND signing in name! Doh!!! Press here for de other page...
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Last posted: Jan 13, 2003
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LEISURE DISTRICT :>Our appalling site for Leisure District Junkies on Telewest
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