A Conversation for Neckties

A warning is called for here

Post 1


I agree that the necktie can be used in several useful ways but it isn't compleatly safe. If worn around the neck it can interupt the transportation of air to the brain. There are a countless (well you can actually count them if you really care how many, but i don't) examples of this happening. The best example is politicians.
Fact: Most politicians use neckties.
Fact: The common opinion is that most political decisions stinks.
This above doesn't prove that wearing a tie around your neck makes you stupid but my strong recomendation is to wear the necktie anyplace BUT the neck anyway and spread the word to any man you meet. Otherwise females will use that and thereby tipping the scale to their favor and rule the universe without us.

A warning is called for here

Post 2

Gag Halfrunt

In my Proffesional opinion, The need for A necktie seems to suggest a detatchment from reality that only polititions have realy mastered.
A detachment from reality can be obtained from many places:
the complaints department of the Sirius cybernetics corp.
Talking to a Politition for over 7.46 secconds (not reccomended)
Watching Channel 5 for over 7.46 secconds (NOT RECCOMENDED)

A warning is called for here

Post 3


Hey thanks!

Now I know what to do when i want to detach from an unpleasant reality.
Usually it occurs when my female wants to discuss household decorations, because getting through such discussions without hard words, tears, flying food and sleeping alone for a month needs a separate entry in the guide.
Short note thought. The answer, "Do as you please, it doesn't really matter to me", is dead WRONG!!!

A warning is called for here

Post 4

Ginger The Feisty

This just shows how stupid men can be - Is it really very sensible to start the day wearing a noose?

A warning is called for here

Post 5


When time machines are invented I intend to find the people who originated the idea of the suit and prevent them from doing to. It's a nasty thing, too warm, too uncomfortable and too resitricive to movement. I can still count on the fingers of one hand the occasions on which I have worn one but the time draws close when I might have to get a job in which suit-wearing is compulsory. What I can't understand is that the classic modern suit originated as something that toffs would wear when perpetrating their arcane aristocratic sports. It passed into casual wear and was eventually adopted by the proto-middle-class as something they had to have to be equal with the moneyed fools. By some sad mistake of social shaping, it became what a vast amount of people wear day in, day out to the detriment of their ability to dress comfortably and casually. WHY? It's bad enough to wear when sitting in an office; how it could be used for any sort of activity is beyond me. At least the discrete, starched collar has been dropped by all but the most inbred of posh folk. I'm proud to say that since I left school I have worn a tie so infrequently that when I came to wear one for a recent wedding I was temporarily unable to recall the process of knotting. At least the h2g2 people are proud to be spurned by the people in the server shop for being incorrectly attired. Uniforms are bad things. Look at armies - full of wankers that would rather shoot you than talk to you.

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