A Conversation for Terranic Army Base

Communal Showers Etc

Post 21

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

smiley - laugh
*wishes she hadent left all her weapons in the lockers*

Communal Showers Etc

Post 22


who is that threatening?

Communal Showers Etc

Post 23

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

but sometimes thay make me feel safer...

Communal Showers Etc

Post 24


from who?

Communal Showers Etc

Post 25

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

well... basicaly from everyone...
you never know who you are going to meet...

Communal Showers Etc

Post 26


well you can be safe with people in this army. and if there's an intruder, all of us will be happy to rush in to the shower and save you!smiley - smiley

Communal Showers Etc

Post 27

AK - fancy that!

And in a shower you're planning on carrying weapons with you.. how?

*dances on one of the toilets naked*

Communal Showers Etc

Post 28


<gets a blurry spot in his vision*

*quickly looks away lest his brain do away with the blurriness*

Communal Showers Etc

Post 29

AK - fancy that!

smiley - ok

Communal Showers Etc

Post 30


*tosses a grenade over his head in AK's direction*

Communal Showers Etc

Post 31

AK - fancy that!

*hits it abck with a baseball bat*

This is the SHOWER! Its not a place for grenades!

Communal Showers Etc

Post 32


It is if you're going to go dancing naked

Communal Showers Etc

Post 33

AK - fancy that!

smiley - biggrin

Communal Showers Etc

Post 34

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

smiley - erm
well... smiley - erm
if he hit the grenade with a bat...
were is it now?

Communal Showers Etc

Post 35

AK - fancy that!

good point.

*grenade hits the ceiling over Wonko, showering mortar and a little water from a small bent pipe on him*


*four men in blue and green overalls run in, fix everything, and scram*

Communal Showers Etc

Post 36


*gets sprinkled*

Communal Showers Etc

Post 37

AK - fancy that!


Communal Showers Etc

Post 38

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

smiley - laugh

Communal Showers Etc

Post 39

ex Brigadeer, now Tealady Werekitty aka Tobru De'ran; ex sith extraordinaire, well poked veggie fascist and Goo Goose

*goes in the mixed room and clogs up all the plugs with fur*

smiley - whistle

Communal Showers Etc

Post 40

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

*sees that all the boys seem to be off line so takes this opertunity to put on a nice cleen uniform*

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