A Conversation for A Wiccan Forum

Welcome! Care for some nice herbal tea?

Post 1

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran

Merry meet, and thanks for stopping by.

If you have time, please accept a nice hot cup of herbal tea. There are several lovely types here. Just select from the following assortment. The kettle is always on.

There's a squishy sofa over there, and a comfy chair to curl up in, or a rocker by the fire. Just move the cat, she won't mind.

If you have a comment or question on a wiccan or pagan topic, just jump right in anywhere, or start a new conversation if you like. Someone else is sure to join in.


Chamomile tea

Post 2

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran

Good for the digestion, or if you have an upset tummy. It is also said to improve the disposition.
smiley - winkeye

Lemon balm.

Post 3

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran

Lemon balm, lemon verbena and lemongrass make nice lemon scented tea. Try one, or mix them all or try with other teas. Good hot or cold.
smiley - smiley

Rosemary tea

Post 4

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran

This is good for headaches and colds. By itself, or mixed with other teas.

Sage tea

Post 5

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran

Sage is a full-bodied 'robust' tea. smiley - winkeye
It is good as a tonic, or for colds and fever.

Borage tea

Post 6

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran

Have a hard day? smiley - sadface

Try a little borage in your tea for a 'lift'. Also good hot or cold.
It's pretty little blue flowers look nice in the iced tea, too.

Some nice combinations

Post 7

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran

Or, try one of these combinations of flavors:

chamomile and apple mint
basil, lemon verbena, lemongrass, and lemon thyme
spearmint, elderberry, and lemon balm
angelica, clove, orange peel, and nutmeg
thyme, sassafras and strawberry leaf
horehound and chamomile
jasmine, orange peel, and sage

Or, maybe you have a favorite...

Lemon balm.

Post 8

doreiwolf (why not try A682652?) (Alpha Low Thingite Patron, Defender of Wibble, Pagan Younger and Official Pooper Scooper)

I find that lemon juice in 'normal' tea works wonders for a sore throat, or a cold. Or even just as something to soothe after a long day.

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