Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
Where was I.....?
'Okay, I've done the Guide bit and I've put in a Header at the top, is there anything else?..... Whoops, nearly forgot to write anything.'
The Nature of the Beast
Forgetfulness is the art of failing to remember vital pieces of information at inopportune moments. It strikes when you least expect it, and can have dire consequences. It can strike any person at any age, but has a tendency to affect more people as they get older. There are however good and bad sides to forgetfulness. Many people benefit both from actual memory lapses and from the convenient way out they offer when facing obligations.
There are, in fact, some medical reasons for forgetfulness. It has been discovered that forgetfulness occurs when an idea is not consigned properly to long term memory. In the transfer from medium to long term memory, the idea/identity/fact/appointment is misfiled and thus we either have no recollection at all or need reminding. Certain states of mind can also affect the memory. If there is the influence of copious amounts of alcohol, caffeine, or certain drugs, memory is adversely affected. If you are bored or are not concentrating it becomes more difficult to remember things. This is one of the reasons why last-minute revision for exams don't always work. The combination of caffeine (boosts short-term memory but ruins long-term) and a boring subject matter makes it difficult to remember what you were studying. Not only this, but as the brain can only concentrate on about seven ideas at any one time1 it is perhaps unsurprising that so many things can be easily forgotten.
Some medical conditions have an affet on memory, stroke victims, and Alzheimers sufferers are amongst those whose memory may be very badly affected. Accident victims may be similar as the brain blocks out the trauma, the stress preventing any transfer of the incident to long-term memory
The Bad Side of Forgetfulness
So, you can't remember where you put your keys, or that you had to pick up your kids from school, or that you put dinner in the oven five hours ago 'Just to warm it up a bit', or that you really should have paid that electricity bill before you were cut off. This is a consequence of forgetfulness. Not very useful really and it tends to get you into (often expensive) trouble. The arguments go on for days, with shouting matches in person and over the phone, finishing with you shelling out money on presents or increased bills, or losing out on someone's friendship. The little things turn out to be very big to someone else.
Apart from the money and friends issues2 forgetfulness can be time-consuming. You may have to make a return journey for that one important item, or rush a piece of work at the last minute, or you may need to drive all around the entire city, just to find a store that's open at 11.30pm on Christmas eve, preferably one that sells the right colour TellyTubby.
Forgetfulness makes you feel stupid and inferior to other people who have clearly remembered what you haven't. This feeling is often augmented by said people rubbing your nose in it. Not only were you the only person to have forgotten the idea/identity/fact/appointment but it was so easy to commit to memory for everyone else that you must be seriously dense.
It can also put a significant part of your life in trouble. Forgetting the time of your exams isn't good if you want to get good grades, forgetting to go to work, or even just to set the alarm clock, can land you in hot water. These mistakes are often harder to rectify than some of the others.
The Fab Side of Forgetfulness
Forgetfulness provides a very useful tool at times. It is used worldwide as a means of avoiding onerous responsibilities/embarassing situations, both when the forgetfulness is real and when it is falsified.
Forgetfulness can let you and your friends save face over the last night's adventures after the pub. None of you really want to admit to being the one that stole the street sign, nor to being the one who suggested it, nor to being the person who decided it was best to leave it in the local swimming pool. In such situations it is best to pretend that you have forgotten anything after last orders. This allows everyone to save face and not get thrown out of their jobs through idle gossip. It becomes more difficult when the tee-total person in the group keeps reminding you of the events.
Forgetfulness is useful when you have made a mistake about somebody. For example if a date goes badly forgetting that the obnoxious bigot you went out with even exists can be rather therapeutic. Make sure, however, that you did not give them your number, or that you are out when he/she calls, forgetfulness will not help you there.
Forgetting the time can be useful when you are engaged in something you enjoy. The act of forgetting allows you to concentrate more fully on the task in hand, it frees you of some constraints and lets you avoid appointments you would rather not keep.
Finally, forgetting the rules and regulations of society lets you express yourself in a way you feel comfortable. It frees your mind and develops creativity. Be warned though, reckless abandon can result in legal problems, it may be fab to forget it, but it is still there and can have nasty consequences.
What was it I wanted to say...?
'Nope, can't think of it at the moment, you'll have to come back when I remember..... Now I'm sure I had it a minute ago, hmmm, what was it again..?'