1 Conversation

Hello, and thank you for visiting the home of ARALDITE - Anal Retentives Against Ludicrously Deep Impossible Thread Extension.</P>

We are proud of our campaign to prevent nested threads from spreading across to Canada as they drift, because we know that the nesting effect is achieved using images - and the deeper the thread, the more and larger the images. Remember also that if an image is used a second time on a page it is loaded from your browser's local cache, so the deeper threads cause you double delays. Starting again from the root in the Limerick threads can be shown to improve download times by as much as 70%. </P>

We are also proud of having come up with a name for the campaign which fits the acronym we chose. This is a much-valued skill in modern business, and we confidently expect to become obscenely rich as a result of having mastered it. Assuming we ever do. </P>

So, until the PTB listen and come up with a thread nesting design which doesn't leave the seventh reply in the middle of the third monitor along on the right, we say "Stick with ARALDITE - you won't be sorry!"


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