A Conversation for A Really Spiffing GuestBook to Copy and Paste


Post 1

Bob McBob

Nothing to see, nothing to do.


Post 2

AK - fancy that!

Whoa thats pretty neat...


Post 3

Bob McBob

Why, thanks very much!

smiley - cake


Post 4

AK - fancy that!

I don't understand any of this stuff, what with and such, is there a place where I could learn it?


Post 5

Bob McBob

STYLE is the way something looks. You can only use it inside the tags in H2G2 (ie: STYLE=" ... "), as it's disabled as a stylesheet (... or .CSS documents).

Basically use it like this: Theres a list of attributes and values at http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS1

and group text together: it's used to move lumps of text about. You can give a border to DIV or SPAN. DIV uses the align="right" attribute to shove the text to the right (you can also do this using style="text-align: right").

smiley - cake


Post 6

AK - fancy that!

Oo VERY useful link, thanks

All I know about is that it can put text that floats above everything else... I don't know how, but, ...

smiley - cakesmiley - drool


Post 7

Bob McBob

Yes, that's
postition: absolute;
to make is seperate from text
top: 0px; left: 0px;
to put it at the corner of the page, and
z-order: 39413; (or any positive number)
to make sure it goes in front of the text. You'll probabley also want background: window; (window is the standard colour of the window, ie: white) or another colour to make sure the background isn't see-through, and some other stuff to make it look better.

smiley - strawberry


Post 8

AK - fancy that!

what does the x-index;alpha and opacity100 do?

and final question, how do you make a bunch of things jsut stack on top of each other instead of lining up...smiley - erm


Post 9

Bob McBob

smiley - huh
I don't know all of them. Alpha may be something for truetype colours (alpha blending?) opancity100 may be to set the background colout to some kind of transparency or something, perhaps

To stack items on top of each other, like - and | makes +:
Give them the same top: and left: things, making sure you have position: absolute in there. Give the things you want at the top a larger z-index value.

To stack things up like
1 4
2 6
3 6
Use a table (<./>GuideML-TABLE</.&gtsmiley - winkeye

Here may be a good point to plug my website:

smiley - strawberries


Post 10

AK - fancy that!

oh thats what z-index is...
doesn't haveing the same top left thingys, with position;absolute, stick it up at the top of the screen?
I was wondering about this when looking at Traveler in Time's text art...

you made that mygon thing?


Post 11

Bob McBob

You don't need to use top: 0px, you can specify a number of pixels down you weant to go (eg: top: 100px). You can also use percent of browser window, so top: 50% will put the top 50% of the way down the screen. You can also use bottom: 0px and right: 0px.

Er, yes I did make that. Can you get it to work? (A/D and Left/Right, click on Bot to make computer, F1=Help).

smiley - cake


Post 12

AK - fancy that!

does position:rlative get it to stay where it is?

Yeah I got the game to work... the way the little thing moves is weird if I'm bot1 I won... I also tried playing both bots at once, it was pretty hard...


Post 13

Bob McBob

It should do, and you can use negatives for that.

smiley - smiley


Post 14

AK - fancy that!

so to stack stuff in one place, you use position relative and increasing z index values... that is for some resaon incredibly useful...

font-size:100px makes it nice and big if so whats the guideml number for that, roughly, if youy know (<FONT SIZE="?"&gtsmiley - winkeye

I learned and mastered guideml but it can't do everything I want! smiley - sadfacesmiley - biggrin


Post 15

Bob McBob

If I remember rightly:

The user can change these from the View menu:
<FONT SIZE="1" is style="font-size: x-small"
2 small
3 medium
4 large
5 x-large
6 xx-large
There's also xx-small

Or you can say "stuff the user, I want it this size":
style="font-size: 14pt" makes it 14pt (like in Word)

smiley - burger


Post 16

AK - fancy that!

Just out of curiousity, do you, by any chance ,now how Traveler in TIme manages to stay online nearly 24/7, and creates hundreds of guideml pages? I can't figure out how *anybody* could do it!??


Post 17

Bob McBob

The clue may be in the name, Traveler in Time....


Post 18

AK - fancy that!

smiley - laugh

he<?> says he tries to stay on 42 hours a day... but I know that he doesn't sign off usually, well, ever...


Post 19

Bob McBob

Well, why go through the SSO Login?

BTW - I've found the list of links you can make blue: it's at <./>NamedEntries</.>


Post 20

AK - fancy that!

I've gotten there before in ne way or another...

He did sign off during the SSO change, tehre's a journal entry about it, sorta...

I'm trying to make something that isn't working...
it has alternating colors for a background, in s, 12 pixles wide, and has 4 enlarged smileys that are *supposed* to jsut ignore the borders of the ... but won't... any idea how to fix that?

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