My Names

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Most Recent Next Name Idea that has been declassified by a classical classification process:
1-Super Moo The Cow That Is SUPER
2-Evil Grinning Elf Cow
-signed: <evilgrin><elf>cow
-(I would put a cow there but there isn't a smiley...yet...)
-this isn't really nessisary because I'm now the Muse of Evil Grinning Elf Dudes still signed '<evilgrin><elf>' but no cow is there

List of Names I've Had:
1-Super Moo The Cow That Is SUPER
2-SuperMoo The Cow that is SUPER (Grand Duke of The Cows)
3-I think I will change my name to:'SuperMoo (Grand Duke of The Cows And Muse of Evil Grinning Elf Dudes)' but I'm not sure...Kinda like the old name...
4-Never did change it to it's Commander SuperMoo The Cow that is SUPER (Grand Duke of The Cows) to reflect my position in the Evil Army of H2G2

Anywho the important philosophy here is one of cowtastic laziness therefore I put this in here to maintain that image:

When this Researcher writes some Guide Entries they will appear here, but they haven't got round to it yet. We're sure they will soon...

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