A Conversation for Samhain: The Witches' New Year [you call it Hallowe'en]


Post 1

Jimi X

That was interesting about the candles in turnips!!

I'd always heard the Jack-O-Lantern was from an Irish legend about a renowned sinner named Jack who trapped the Devil up a tree and refused to release him until he promised never to tempt Jack to sin again. Upon Jack's death, his early sinning ways barred him from Heaven and the Devil wouldn't have him in Hell. Condemned to wander in darkness until Judgement Day, Jack begged the Devil for embers to light his way and was given one coal. Jack put the coal in a hollowed out turnip to make it last longer, thus forming Jack's Lantern. Irish immigrants in America switched over from turnips to pumpkins, which were more plentiful in the "New World.


Post 2


Speaking of which, I have finished a couple of your smileys. You know where to find them. smiley - winkeye


Post 3

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran

Yes, you are right on target with that legend! It is a common Irish tale.

However, the actual origin and purpose of the light in the turnip/pumpkin is far older. It was in use long before Christianity ever came to the British Isles. The tale about 'Jack' is derived from the spirits that were thought to wander about at Samhain. The light was originally used by the common people to guide the spirits.

The name Jack-O-Lantern originated in the common practice of naming things. Such folk names were commonly given to nature spirits, like the "Jack in the Green," or to plants believed to possess magical properties, like "John O' Dreams," or "Jack in the Pulpit."

So it probably originally referred to ANY spirit that was guided by the light of the lantern. Christianity turned it into a moralistic tale and added sin, heaven, hell and the devil.


Post 4

Jimi X

Does this mean Granny isn't crazy? smiley - winkeye Thanks for the info!

BTW: I provided a link to here from my Scary Tales for Halloween page! smiley - smiley


Post 5

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran

No, Grany isn't crazy...but she might be a witch

smiley - winkeye


Post 6

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran

And thanks for the link

smiley - smileysmiley - fish

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