Rejection slips page 2

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And here are some more rejection notices.

Dear Anonymouse, as requested, we have surveyed your submission to The Guide entitled "Marvin" and found it worthy of rejection.
Thanks for the game tip, but that's not really what we're after for the earth edition of h2g2. Marvin and the game don't even get mentioned on the site... yet.

This was my first article, written basically to see the page editor function, and happened while I was fresh from going yet another round with the game. Since it was factual and informational, I submitted it. Once I became accustomed to the site, I really didn't expect it to become an entry.

Similarly to Anonymouse I got this for my 1st submission (before there were any guidelines)

Dear Bruce, as requested, we have surveyed your submission to The Guide entitled "42?" - Oh no not again (wait, wasn’t it a bowl of petunias that said that?)" and found it worthy of rejection. I don't think it's quite the sort of thing we want in the 'official' guide, is it?

I never really expected it to be accepted anyway, 'twas a joke *pout*

Dear Mark (The Wisest Fool), As requested, we have surveyed your submission to The Guide entitled "Hoopy Frood Food" and found it worthy of rejection. Congratulations.

This was a very early rejection of a very early submission. When I wrote the article, I had a specific favourite toasted sandwich recipe that I wanted to share with the world. So how did I do it? I dressed it up in 3rd-rate sub-DNAisms. Doh!

The Wisest Fool writes. Now this one hurt (a lot). I'd wanted to write an article to commemorate the start of the new English football season. I wrote a jokey (but with hints of truth) article about football and even got a dialogue going on it with John-The-Gardener. Ha - I thought - this is the new 'sub-editing' process in action. Working alongside John I could turn the base coal into a mighty diamond. Err...wrong. John wasn't subbing this article, Smily Ben was and he wanted to make an article incorporating many forms of football and my article only really worked as a whole, so the upshot - rejection - it still hurts actually, but I still like the article and I wave it around fairly regularly. So maybe another reason for rejection is...bad timing

Dear Mark (The Wisest Fool), As requested, we have surveyed your submission to The Guide entitled "English Premiership Football" and found it worthy of rejection. My sub-editor has compiled a large entry on football, and unfortunately didn't find anything he could use in your article. Sorry about that, but thanks for submitting your piece.

Dear Catherine, Thank you ever so much for submitting your h2g2 Guide Entry entitled "Flying Pigs" for the approval of the Editors.
Unfortunately it hasn't quite managed to gain the approval of the Editorial team, but perhaps the following comments from the Editor concerned will help you to understand why. "Unfortunately we aren't approving articles that are fictional anymore, and the concept of flying pigs sure isn't fact. Oh well..."

yada yada yada yada yada yada yada yada yada

Best wishes, Mark Moxon
Editor, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Earth Edition

Is this the ultimate irony?

Dear Grahame,

Thank you ever so much for submitting your h2g2 Guide Entry entitled
"A guide to the world of h2g2 rejection" for the approval of the Editors.

Unfortunately it hasn't quite managed to gain the approval of the
Editorial team, but perhaps the following comments from the Editor
concerned will help you to understand why.

"There is a certain irony to all of this! I think as an entry this is really important and useful for people because it lets them know that others have received rejections before receiving acceptance emails. It also helps them to improve their writing and I am all for that. Unfortunately as an entry in itself it doesn't really match the guide criteria. Sorry but keep up all of the good work!"

Don't forget, though, that your Guide Entry will still come up in
search results and that it is still very much a part of the Guide.
And don't be put off from submitting more Entries for our approval:
in the meantime you might find it useful to read our Submissions Guide

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