A Conversation for The Feline and Fiddle

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Post 7521

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

The 'My Conversations' button is quite a new thing, although I seem to remember you used to be able to add a line of code to your personal space to bring it up, before it graduated to having its own button.

I remember when we were all sitting here drinking pints that looked like this: c | _ |

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Post 7522

Napnod the (thoughtful) little green sleep monster BSC Econ (Hons)"eek eek eek"

I remember that too, took me ages to work out what they were. smiley - smiley

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Post 7523

Mr. Christopher, enjoying the Magicians Guild game where he is called Polonius Franc, Elder Healer and local merchant

c{_}, ah, memories...

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Post 7524

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Anyway, I think it's past my bedtime... I'm not getting any younger, y'know. smiley - tongueout

*drains smiley - ale*

Nighty night! *waves*

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Post 7525

Napnod the (thoughtful) little green sleep monster BSC Econ (Hons)"eek eek eek"

Night EV! Be careful on your way home. Don't want you falling over and breaking a hip. smiley - tongueout

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Post 7526

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

*calls from outside* I heard that!

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Post 7527

Mr. Christopher, enjoying the Magicians Guild game where he is called Polonius Franc, Elder Healer and local merchant

Hi Dr. E. I'm writing an advice column about you, Dr. StJustin and Dr. D. Funderlik.

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Post 7528


*polishes glasses*

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Post 7529

Mr. Christopher, enjoying the Magicians Guild game where he is called Polonius Franc, Elder Healer and local merchant

*tunes piano*

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Post 7530

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

*tuna fish*

What kind of advice column? smiley - erm

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Post 7531

Napnod the (thoughtful) little green sleep monster BSC Econ (Hons)"eek eek eek"

Hey EV, how goes it?

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Post 7532

Napnod the (thoughtful) little green sleep monster BSC Econ (Hons)"eek eek eek"

*greeting echoes round the thread*

I seem to have frightened everyone off smiley - erm

Oh well, more smiley - ale for me smiley - biggrin

*pours self a smiley - ale and starts doing the crossword*

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Post 7533


*dives over the bar and grabs himself an smiley - oj*

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Post 7534

Dr Deckchair Funderlik

*Wanders in*
*lays hat on bar*
*lays guinea pig on hat* (illegal in Minnesota)
*lays sugarlump on guinea pig*

If your writing an advice column about me Mr C. my advice is, 'don't'.
Its a slippery slope.

*Orders pint of smiley - ale. Drops guinea pig into it. Guinea pig swims around happily.*

Hello smiley - smiley

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Post 7535


Um...hello? smiley - erm

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Post 7536

Dr Deckchair Funderlik

Hello smiley - smiley
Pleased to meet you daSilva.
My name is Funderlik and this is my guinea pig 001. He has a long history.
Sorry about Val's day. Maybe this: A962048 will help? I know for sure it has brought happiness to at least three people.

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Post 7537


Interesting, very interesting... smiley - biggrin

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Post 7538

Dr Deckchair Funderlik

and all of it true. Every word. Except the word "Bough", and maybe "Frank".

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Post 7539


Always had my doubts about that 'man'

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Post 7540

Dr Deckchair Funderlik

I reckon he wasn't a stranger to 'doubts' himself. I think he lives in a cave now. Or paints pictures of clowns, or something.

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