A Conversation for The Feline and Fiddle

c|_| the 26th

Post 1


Pull up a drink, or let me pull one up for you. smiley - winkeye

c|_| the 26th

Post 2


A smiley - ale of Grumpfuttocks please, Menza smiley - smiley About time I stepped back the other side of the bar smiley - smiley

*Lights cigarette in celebration*

c|_| the 26th

Post 3


*pours smiley - ale*

Hi BS, its been a while. What have you been up to? smiley - smiley

c|_| the 26th

Post 4


This and that smiley - smiley Working, hanging out on H2G2, waiting for the weekends. Hows the job-hunt going?

c|_| the 26th

Post 5


Not too bad, I've had an interview which went quite well. And a few other companies have written back. smiley - smiley

c|_| the 26th

Post 6


That's good smiley - smiley It took me 18 months to get a job when I left Uni. Mind you, they paid me to go and do an MSc. smiley - smiley

c|_| the 26th

Post 7

Demon Drawer

*DD walks in dejected*

We lost we threw away 4 shots to lose by 1. I need cheering up. smiley - sadface

c|_| the 26th

Post 8


I've been going about 5 months of dedicated looking now, hopefully I'll get one soon.

c|_| the 26th

Post 9


Sorry DD I didn't see you there.

*pours smiley - stout and |_|*

Here you go.

c|_| the 26th

Post 10


Well, keep at it Menz. smiley - smiley DD, have a smiley - stout on me, you know they say all good things come to an end, I think you've been having a pretty good streak up to now smiley - smiley

c|_| the 26th

Post 11

Demon Drawer

*Downs |_| in one followed by smiley - stout*

No I'm still smiley - sadface

Refill smiley - sadface

c|_| the 26th

Post 12


*pours smiley - stout and |_|*

Whats the point of playing if you win them all. smiley - smiley

c|_| the 26th

Post 13

Demon Drawer

Your only as good as your last bowl. Mine was far too tight. And the drive the bowl before was unlucky to glance a short bowl. smiley - sadface

Takes BS's drinks. smiley - sadface but I'm getting there.

c|_| the 26th

Post 14

Demon Drawer

Well last year we lost one as a team. And that was unfortuanately the league cup final so we didn't make history by repeating the entire triple.

Losing one game by one shot. smiley - sadface

The point of winning them all is to give everyone else someone to aim for. smiley - smiley

c|_| the 26th

Post 15


*BS drains glass*

On that note, I shall retire gentlemen smiley - smiley See you in the morning no doubt DD. Menza, I may catch you tomorrow evening smiley - smiley.

c|_| the 26th

Post 16

Demon Drawer

Morning no we are moving our desks and computers in the morning. Hopefully I'll be back on line by Lunchtime. smiley - smiley

c|_| the 26th

Post 17


See you later BS ....

DD, I know what you mean, if winning wasn't important then why keep score smiley - smiley

Have one on me.

Oh and another Guinness please Menza.

c|_| the 26th

Post 18


*pours smiley - stout, smiley - stout and |_|*

Here you both go. smiley - smiley

c|_| the 26th

Post 19


Thanks Menza

Cheers smiley - smiley

c|_| the 26th

Post 20

Dancing Ermine

Great new forum, a |_| please Menza.

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