A Conversation for The Feline and Fiddle
c|_| 43 - My Trendy Wine Bar Is Now A Bank
Bluebottle Posted Oct 30, 2001
Well, at the moment it is a nice, small cosy little C|_|...
...But I have a dream. And it is:
C|_| 100!
c|_| 43 - My Trendy Wine Bar Is Now A Bank
Bagpuss Posted Oct 30, 2001
Will C|_|101 contain the worst drink in the world?
c|_| 43 - My Trendy Wine Bar Is Now A Bank
Tinkerbell *tumbleweed* Posted Oct 30, 2001
*has flashbacks to the green jif liquid in her formal last week*
Errrghhhh....I'll stay in c |_|39 for that one!
I wonder if this'll still be here when we get to c |_| 4242...
c|_| 43 - My Trendy Wine Bar Is Now A Bank
Bagpuss Posted Oct 30, 2001
Don't you mean "green cif liquid", the new international name?
c|_| 43 - My Trendy Wine Bar Is Now A Bank
Tinkerbell *tumbleweed* Posted Oct 30, 2001
Oh but I've never drunk Cif so I wouldn't know if it tasted like Jif you see...and if I claimed it tasted like Cif I'd never be able to substantiate my claim so it'd be highly unfair
c|_| 43 - My Trendy Wine Bar Is Now A Bank
Bagpuss Posted Oct 30, 2001
So when did you drink Jif? I never have, just paint, limewater and lager. I won't say which tastes worst.
c|_| 43 - My Trendy Wine Bar Is Now A Bank
Bluebottle Posted Nov 1, 2001
"I drank some champagne at my cousin's wedding once"
Can anyone name the popular film that quote is from?
The quote came before a song.
There was an appaling sequel made in 1982.
c|_| 43 - My Trendy Wine Bar Is Now A Bank
Gedge :-) Posted Nov 1, 2001
*drinks some *
No that didn't help.
*downs a , makes note to self, C|_|43 open for 3 days before first visit, must stay in more
c|_| 43 - My Trendy Wine Bar Is Now A Bank
Bagpuss Posted Nov 2, 2001
Why, thank you very much, Menza.
*orders another on the off-chance that Lonely Stranger finds this place*
c|_| 43 - My Trendy Wine Bar Is Now A Bank
stinkywigfiddle Posted Nov 2, 2001
*Enter strange lonely man*
I'd like a drink! No wait! I don't drink! Never mind! I'd like a bed!
c|_| 43 - My Trendy Wine Bar Is Now A Bank
Bagpuss Posted Nov 2, 2001
I wouldn't try asking for plum wine, though.
Key: Complain about this post
c|_| 43 - My Trendy Wine Bar Is Now A Bank
- 21: Bluebottle (Oct 30, 2001)
- 22: Bagpuss (Oct 30, 2001)
- 23: Tinkerbell *tumbleweed* (Oct 30, 2001)
- 24: Bagpuss (Oct 30, 2001)
- 25: Tinkerbell *tumbleweed* (Oct 30, 2001)
- 26: Bagpuss (Oct 30, 2001)
- 27: Menza (Oct 31, 2001)
- 28: Bluebottle (Nov 1, 2001)
- 29: Gedge :-) (Nov 1, 2001)
- 30: Menza (Nov 1, 2001)
- 31: Bagpuss (Nov 2, 2001)
- 32: stinkywigfiddle (Nov 2, 2001)
- 33: Bagpuss (Nov 2, 2001)
- 34: stinkywigfiddle (Nov 2, 2001)
- 35: Menza (Nov 2, 2001)
- 36: Bumblebee (Nov 2, 2001)
- 37: Menza (Nov 2, 2001)
- 38: Bumblebee (Nov 2, 2001)
- 39: Menza (Nov 2, 2001)
- 40: Bagpuss (Nov 2, 2001)
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