Roswell Incident

3 Conversations

This incident occured on July 2nd 1947 in the state of New Mexico, USA. Something chrashed in the desert and the entire crash site area was soon closed off by the military. In short, this incident has become one of the most debated and researched UFO-related topic in the world. It was a military test baloon which crashlanded on a farm located 75 miles north of the city Roswell. At least if we are to believe the U.S. Department of Defence. Not everyone believe this however, a rather large group of people (among them Cpt. Jesse Marcel, see below, and Bradley Keys of the ActiveMind website) believe it to have been an Unidenfied Flying Object (UFO) from outer space. In fact they believe the military actually recovered three or four alien bodies from the alleged crashed and recovered UFO and took them to the Roswell Air base which is why this community has got all the glory and not Corona which, in fact, is the closest city to the crash site (seems unexplainable unfair to some people especially in Corona). What has happened to the debris or the bodies has not been determined if they existed. Nowadays Roswell is doing big business on the recent UFO hysteria with two UFO/alien museums and alien festivals comparable to the Loch Ness monster hysteria in Scotland. Of course there are plenty of sceptics out there such as the Sceptic's Dictionary website ( The sceptics point to the fact that the whole affair was not given fuel until Charles Berlitz and William Moore published a book on the subject in 1980. Berlitz is most famous the one who came up with such things as the infamous Philadelphia Experiment. Sceptics usually don't deny that something actually crashed at Roswell, but that it wasn't a UFO. Theories include weatherbaloons and high-altitude spybaloons for detecting Soviet nuclear tests (Project Mogul).

The Foster Ranch's foreman on which the thing crashed named Mack Brazel found debris from the crash and reported it to the Roswell Sheriff who in turn reported it to Roswell Air Base Captain Jesse Marcel in the belief that they were parts from a test aircraft which had crashed. Cpt. Marcell issued a pressrelease that the Army had recovered a UFO. This was later taken back and was according to Gen. Roger Ramsey just a plain weather baloon and he dismissed the pressrelease as crap. Cpt. Marcell later appeared in a local radioshow, explaining that he knew all along that it was a weather baloon.

The incident was long forgotten until Cpt. Marcel appeared once again to the public in 1970 claiming that the whole affair was a cover-up and that it wasn't a weather baloon.

The most prominent evidence for it to have been a flying saucer is a really cool (but extremely bad made) film, released in 1995, of an autopsy of one of the alien bodies. Many doctors have pointed out that the bodies look like dummies (and they probably are). No conclusive evidence have been put forward though either for or against the theory of a crashed alien flying saucer and they all contradict each other. An interesting thing is that President Roosevelt is said to be seen in this film.

As written before many believe the government and especially the Department of Defence (as always) is hiding something from the public and they are sure that it was in fact an alien space craft. Then again, it could just be a weather baloon.

Today many people have been writing books, newsletters etc. on this topic and they can all be reached through the web (try
There are even a world panning petition going on which wants the US government to disclose all information on the Roswell Crash.

Timeline (from the Activemind website):
1947 - July 2 - a rancher named Mac Brazel hears a loud crash
during the night near Corona, New Mexico
1947 - July 3 - Mac Brazel discovers crash debris
1947 - July 6 - Max Brazel shows Roswell sherrif pieces of debris
1947 - July 7 - Military, including Major Jesse Marcel visit
crash site and retrieve some fo the debris
1947 - July 8 - Brazel taken into custody for questioning. A second
crash site is supposed to be found with alien bodies
1947 - July 9 - military announce the crashed vehicle was a weather
1970 - Jesse Marcel came public stating that the weather balloon
announcement had been a cover-up
1995 - Roswell alien's "Alien Autopsy" film is published

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