A Conversation for Platypus Dancing


Post 1


Surely not, but while all the attention's on the Post's 10th anniversarysmiley - bubbly - the chocolate is all minesmiley - somersaultsmiley - run


Post 2

Nosebagbadger {Ace}

Not all of it, just found the calender again!!


Post 3


ah, go on thensmiley - biggrin, help yourself to some smiley - choc. Just leave some of the dark chocs thosmiley - winkeye


Post 4

Nosebagbadger {Ace}

fine by me - im not a fan of the dark chocolate myself - white and milk for me smiley - drool


Post 5


What is the smiley - choc you normally find in advent calendars made out of? It doesn't normally have the right taste...



Post 6

Nosebagbadger {Ace}

Not sure about that one

maybe its got some of that non-normal chocolate ingrediant (cant remember what it is)
Or it could just be the the storage and manufacture makes it taste odd


Post 7


I think they fill it with chemicals and preservatives to prevent it from melting or going off. Or they just used really cheap stuff to make maximum profit...


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