Poem 8 Christmas 2006

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The  Post
Christmas  Poetry  Competition   2006

smiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - holly

Christmas (or is it?) by Cwmboy

The three Wise Men they travelled along,

Following a bright new star,

No thought for them of an iPod,

Game Boy, or Scaletrix car.

They came to seek a newborn King,

Lying in a manger there,

No traffic queues for M&S,

Or finding the train fare.

They travelled with their camels,

Across a desert wide,

Not for them Chelsea tractors,

Gleaming and polished with pride.

They brought along presents of myrrh,

Gold and frankincense,

Not DVDs and CDs,

Nor posh designer scents.

They travelled by day and by night,

To a town called Bethlehem,

Not London, Cardiff, Newcastle,

Or trendy Cheltenham.

They walked into a cattle shed,

To a manger lined with hay,

No modern, high-tech maternity suite,

Or fathers on paternity pay.

They saw the baby Jesus lying there,

Wrapped in swaddling bands,

No labels from Marie Chantal,

Dressed by mother's hands.

To them this was true Christmas,

A time of joy and love,

No Christmas tree and turkey,

But a gift from God above.

smiley - xmastreesmiley - xmastreesmiley - xmastree

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