A Conversation for The Rugby World Cup

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Post 1

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Great stuff, Loony!

You might have spared a word for the kicking game, since that seems to be what the game is degenerating to, such as SAs Jannie De Beer's drop goal record or Argie, Gonzalo Quesada's sumo-esque prep drill.smiley - winkeye


Kicking game

Post 2

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

I agree JTG. Most of the games between the top teams were just kicking contests. The PTB will have to do something about tweaking the tackled ball rule to open things up.

NZ coach John Hart has just been interviewed on NZ TV. He says his record over the last 4 years was pretty good. Three Tri-Nation trophys out of four. He has resigned as coach.

His horse was the favourite in the NZ Trotting Cup run yesterday. He attended with his family and was abused by a section of the public. Worse still, his horse was booed when it ran second.

I am going to rewrite the article and submit it in a more h2g2 friendly fashion/style.

Kicking game

Post 3

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

I wonder if we'll see a FIFA type response to professional fouls. The French got away with murder in the finals.

It's a shame John Hart's horse is getting booed. I think the men on the field have the most to answer for in the loss to France. They looked flat from start to finish.smiley - sadface

Good luck with the re-write. I look forward to reading it.


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