A Conversation for Scary Tales for Halloween

Spooky Dream

Post 1


I had this really scary dream when I was 14......

I'm at a house that belongs to a friend, there are a few people around. Another friend is cutting up a fallen tree with a chainsaw. The chainsaw is extremely loud. Suddenly the guy who live in the next house shouts out over the fence, "Shut that f%^ken noise off!". He is a big ugly guy and he is really pissed off by the chainsaw being so loud. He jumps the fence and move towards my friend with the chainsaw. There is a struggle and suddenly, blood. My friend cuts the guys arm off, and oh boy, that really pissed him off. He basically started melting. We all ran to the car and started to drive off. The melting guy just started running after us. We drove up the road which was a dirt road and came to a dead end. I woke up with the screaming of the melting guy coming up the road, still after us.....

Now the really scary thing is, about three months later I went to visit a friends house. He lived on a dirt road that came to a dead end. I shit you not, the house I dreamed about was Identical to this house I was visiting and even freakier is the fact that the neighbors house was the same too....... Only a very old lady lived there, spooky.......

Since then I have heard stories about satanic cults in that area and also animal sacrifices. There was even a large red (blood?) stain on the road at one stage. Really spooky.... Emmett Rd.

Spooky Dream

Post 2

Jimi X

Thanks danielt@adelaide!! You've been added to the page (I did clean up some of the cursing as TPTB frown on that sort of thing!
Again, thanks for your input!! smiley - smiley
Really weird, man!

Spooky Dream

Post 3


I don't always dream like that, thank god!
smiley - smiley

Spooky Dream

Post 4

Jimi X

One would hope not!! smiley - winkeye

Spooky Bunyip

Post 5


The Bunyip is a vile, horrible creature embedded in australian folklore.
I am putting together an entry on Bunyips. You can even try catching one and looking after it on my Bunyip page! A virtual pet Bunyip, they are quite cute when young!
Let me know what you think........

Spooky Bunyip

Post 6

Jimi X

Good! And entered into the Spooky page! smiley - smiley
Thanks again!!

Spooky Bunyip

Post 7


Not a problem, anytime....

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