A Conversation for Weather wisdom
Technoyokel (muse of poetry) Started conversation Oct 26, 1999
If you live in Wales and you build dry stone walls
The rainy weather always appalls
(not an ancient proverb, but well known to us wallers!)
BuskingBob Posted Mar 28, 2000
Mackerel sky, weather dry - seems to work most times.
So does the old adage that if the day starts cloudy, once there is a patch of clear blue sky big enough to make a sailor a pair of trousers, the weather will improve. Of course, you have to decide for yourself how big the sailor is.
My wife alwasys says that lots of berries on tres is a sign of a hard winter to come, but this is definitely a fable as far as I am concerned, as the last couple of years in the UK have had mild winters and generally lots of berries as well.
Munchkin Posted Mar 28, 2000
My family used to spend all their holidays on the Isle of Arran, in the Firth of Clyde. We stayed in the village of Lamlash, which has a second island, St. Molio's Island or Holy Isle, in the bay. The adage goes, if you can't see Holy Isle, it is raining, if you can, it is about to rain. This appeared to be disturbingly true.
Jimi X Posted Mar 29, 2000
Thanks everybody!
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