A Conversation for The Manifesto's of our Candidates (read em and weep!)

Wrong Ant...

Post 1


The right one is U15700smiley - winkeye

Wrong Ant...

Post 2


I can vouch for that, the right Ant is U15700, and he's my neighbor smiley - smiley

Wrong Ant...

Post 3


You mean there's an imposter Ant too? smiley - winkeye

Wrong Ant...

Post 4

what you know as km

Some people aren't satisfied with trying to be like Ant. They've got to actually try to be Ant.

It's very upsetting really, if you're the people, which I, luckily, amn't.

Wrong Ant...

Post 5

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Will this confusion affect money spiders?

Wrong Ant...

Post 6


Ahh, I was going to ask whether Ant knew of his nomination. I assume from this that he does.

Oh, and LT&PP, yes. Yes it will, although I'm not sure how. Or what you're talking about. So, on reflection, maybe it won't.

Wrong Ant...

Post 7

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Thanks Jonny. Pleased that's cleared up.

Wrong Ant...

Post 8


Glad I could help, LT&PP.

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