The ghost of Christmas paste

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Once upon a time...

When I was a little aspie, I was overwhelmed by a whole lot. The noise and glitter and lights and the packed shops were very annoying to me, particularly since I wasn't allowed to touch anything, talk to anyone, or let go of me mum's or me dud's hand. Oh, I forgot, there were two of us, me borther and me, very close in age and ability and probably dressed pretty much alike.

The whole concept of Christmas as a cultural fait accompli was annoying to me as my father was the Pastor of an obscure sect of "non-denominational" Christians who nevertheless were nominal protestants if only because they weren't not protestants, if you see what I mean.

you take two hard-boiled eggs and crush them with a garlic press. Sprinkle over the oil filter wrench you've had marinating in the parts cleaner overnight. Then taking your partner's left lung, enterwtien your uvula with his achilles tendon...

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