The Collaborative Learning Experiment -

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The Collaborative Learning Experiment (CLE).

This Experiment is organised in 'sessions', each session lasting 10 weeks.

The CLE was partly inspired by the Computeach session in the Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy episode 10 .. although it is also the fruit of my many years of hard labour at the 'code face' in the development of Computer Based Training Packages for my current Employer.

Participation in the CLE is free to anyone who is interested in developing their collaborative learning skills in an online environment.

One of the continually developing products of this work is the 'Leader Learner Guide', which sets out 'good practice' for leading a group of learners online and suggests a series of possible Learning Campaign Strategies that one might adopt when undertaking this role for the first time.

The benefits of online collaborative learning are numerous, but my belief is that they cannot be 'encapsulated' in a trite sentence, paragraph, humorous article or even a book.

Instead my belief is that you just have to 'experience* a collaborative learning team working well together in order to glimpse the benefits and that is why I have set up the collaborative learning experiment.

Maybe in a telepathic future we would be able to give you a more complete 'summary' of the benefits, but all we can do with our current methods of communication is to invite you to join one of the CLE sessions.

I look forward to meeting you online !

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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