A Conversation for Reiki, the Usui Healing System
Reiki or something else
mature student Started conversation Oct 10, 1999
First of all I must admit I did not read the whole of this article, fascinating though it is. I will read it later.
Secondly, I believe it works, even though I have never experienced it, therefore it comes under the principle of 'if it works, don't knock it'.
I am concerned however, to have read an article recently (Esteem magazine) that questions the standards of Reiki tuition. I didn't understand that article either, as I thought Reiki wasn't taught in the accepted sense, but sort of 'transferred'.
Having given this some further thought, I have returned to my current conclusion regarding the situation on earth at the present time. I believe we are all experiencing (to some extent) a general deterioration, which will eventually result total negativity, followed in due course by enlightenment, and transformation.
However, I could be wrong (again).
PS Don't take life too seriously, you don't get out of it alive anyway. (Not in the physical sense anyway).
Reiki or something else
Baavgai Posted Oct 13, 1999
Reiki standards; hmm, never happen.
For such a wonderful system, Reiki seems to suffer from more than its fair share of ego. I cover some of this in the "Real Reiki" section.
I feel that many people get into new age subjects to be special or unique. Ironically, this perspective is completely at odds with the universal message that we are all essentially the same. Reiki training is completely democratic in its nature and has very little to do with individual aptitude, skill, intelligence, etc. All one needs is an attunement and they’re ready to go. So, because of the very human need to be special, Reiki people tend to spot differences in the extreme minutia of ritual.
Examples of minor philosophical differences in the Reiki community include how much is charged for a class, how long between classes, types of sacred symbols, training lineage (who taught your teacher all the way back to Usui), whether you remove all the metal from your body and spin around three times clockwise prior to giving a treatment, etc.
Reiki or something else
mature student Posted Oct 17, 1999
Now I understand, or at least it is becoming clearer. I am frequently surprised by the diversity of the h2g2 pages, everything I look for is here somewhere, I simply need to add a few comments, and look for something else. I was intending to try reiki, as I like to experience the wierd things of this wonderful planet, but maybe knowledge is enough for now. Also, I believe that to be on a spiritual level one must not become burdened by physical concepts, such as money. As for ego, it gets in everywhere, even the 'highest' meditation groups. I prefer to remain separate from most 'wierd' groups, and quietly collect and then share out the many gems of wisdom which are hidden in the eternity of experience. They're easier to find without the distraction of other souls on different paths.
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Reiki or something else
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