A Conversation for I Let Something Show Too (UG)

I Let Something Show Too

Post 1


I liked this. Not at first - I was in browse mode and not really paying proper attention, and then I thought I knew where it was going, and wasn't at all sure that I could be bothered, and then - you hooked me in. Loved the description of the jazz. That works! Doesn't it just! So personal and vivid. It pulled me into the story and the characters. This worked for me.


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I Let Something Show Too

Post 2

LL Waz

It's good isn't it? I loved it first time I read it.

At A1077806, there's a list of UnderGuide entries by author. ianhimself, (as the most recently joined here), is at the end of the list.

We should have another of ian's coming up in the Underuide in the next few weeks.

You could also click on his name and look at the entries listed on his userspace.

Like your researcher name, btw smiley - smiley.

I Let Something Show Too

Post 3


you guys are remarkably kind......

recently i've been hiding out trying to get the one novel that all of us have inside us out onto a word document ... and have now set the scene for a spate of rejection slips to come winging my way!... so am back and considering trying some more shorts ......if so i'll float them here ......

thanks again


I Let Something Show Too

Post 4

LL Waz

It seems that luck as well as merit is needed, so I'll wish you lots of it. And I'll look forward to anything you float here.


I Let Something Show Too

Post 5


Ill look forward to those. smiley - ok

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