A Conversation for The Canadian Improv Games
It's all true.
Researcher 103861 Started conversation Dec 8, 1999
This is a good representation of the CIG. Good work. I'm going to Ottawa with my team one of these years, I hope. Improv is great though, and yes the oath is spoken at the start of the tournament, I was there. I'll vouch for that. Well see ya.
If you're not in improv, you are not in improv. If you still are not in improv, I will break the third rule of the H2G2 and start spittin'
It's all true.
CIG WebGeek Posted Dec 9, 1999
What tournament do you play in?
And yes, I'm in improv... I help at the National level (That's what the "CIG" in my name is), and I also do "Laff Lines" (A live show based on WLiiA) here in Ottawa occasionally.
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It's all true.
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