How to treat your 3.5 inch floppy disk.

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How to treat your 3.5 inch floppy disk:

What is a floppy disk? There are two types of disks in your computer... the type you can remove by pushing the button, and the one that requires a screwdriver and a lot of time to remove. We are referring to the former, the type that is removed at the push of a finger.

Now, there are more than one type that can be removed this way. There are the CD-ROMS, which look exactly like music CD's (but they don't play on your walkman... I've tried), ZIP disks (Same size and shape, but thicker and have 'iomega' or such all over them), 5 1/4 inch disks (big thin square things, obsolete, and fun to use for frisbee!) and then there is our type, which is teh 3.5 inch one. They are 3.5 inches across, and come in an assortment of colors.

Ways to treat your 3.5 inch floppy disk:

Insert it gently into the drive. Insert it the correct way.

Ways to ruin your 3.5 inch floppy disk beyond all rhyme or reason:

Put it into the sun too long. Put a coffee ring on it. Drop it repeatedly. 'Reformat' it with a pair of scissors. Put it in the wrong way. Put it in the incorrect drive. Attempt to fax it. Put your fingers on the inside parts. Clean it with water. Crush it with files. Throw it.

Respect your disk, and it will respect you with constant service and care, or at least until you really really need a file off of it.

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