A Conversation for Monty Python

Idle wild?

Post 1


Sorry to be the bearer of bad tidings with the anniversary and the TV special so imminent, but I've just seen a rather sad news story on the 'Net. It seems that there is currently bad blood between the very great Eric Idle and the other surviving Pythons, mainly because he was keen to do a new stage show in the States, and the others couldn't agree on it.
It's reported that, as a result, Eric stayed at home in Los Angeles while the others went to a charity screening of "The Life Of Brian" in London. On the other hand, contrary to previous indications, the story suggests that Idle did after all take part in the recordings of new material for the TV special. I guess we'll soon see.
The news report I'm talking about can be found on: http://www.freeserve.net.entment.story1.htm

Idle wild?

Post 2

The Dancing Tree

He's not wild at all, quite domesticated in fact.

It was Palin who didn't want to resurrect Monty Python, and judging by last night, that would probably a good decision. Except if they decide to do a new movie, of course.

Idle wild?

Post 3


I aggree - the majority of last night was mearly OK (at best). I stayed up to watch what could have been a much better tribute to Python (Like includeing at least one episode - insteadof this ridiculous one epiosde per night at 00:15 type time).

Idle wild?

Post 4


Odd, isn't it? On TV the other night, Palin seemed to have some of the warmest memories of it all, yet he admits that he's the one most reluctant to reform Python. Nevertheless, it appears (from Idle's comments, in the TV special and elsewhere) that Cleese is the only one holding out against a new film - which rings true, as Cleese has never hidden his dislike for "The Meaning Of Life".
One thing I don't quite understand, Dancing Tree: why do you think that a reunion would be good on film, but not in any other medium?

Idle wild?

Post 5


It'd be easier if it WAS 00:15 every night, instead of teatime one night, nothing for two days then the middle of the night again.
I must admit that watching the old episodes is a reminder of how wildly inconsistent Python were, with moments of utter genius in amongst a lot of stuff that doesn't really work at all. Still, that's infinitely preferable to consistent mediocrity.
Have you noticed how each individual Python's favourite episode always seems to be one in which the individual in question is hardly ever off screen?

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