A Conversation for Monty Python
Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) Started conversation Oct 5, 1999
Just in case anyone's forgotten, today (October 5th) is the 30th anniversary of the first transmission of Monty Python's Flying Circus. Let's all join hands and sing "Happy Birthday", whilst hitting ourselves on the heads with tin trays.
Danisbackfromlunch Posted Oct 5, 1999
Happy Birthday to you (Bang!)
Happy Birthday to you (Bang!)
Happy Birthday Monty Python
Happy Birthday to you (Bang!)
What's good for a headache........?
Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) Posted Oct 5, 1999
Hitting yourself on the head with a tin tray.
Fruitbat (Eric the) Posted Oct 18, 1999
You're supposed to hold your hands THERE and go "Waaaaah"....or did you want to complain?
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