Bowie, David
Created | Updated Mar 1, 2002
Musical highlights of his career include 1972's "The Rise And Fall Of Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders From Mars"; the "Berlin trio" from 1977 to 1979 in collaboration with Brian Eno, comprising "Low", "Heroes" and "Lodger"; and 1980's "Scary Monsters". The 1980's saw Bowie at a creative low (at least musically); however the 1990's saw something of a revival with "1. Outside" in 1995 and "Earthling" in 1997.
What does all this add up to? Bowie's as near as they come to being an artist with music to suit nearly every mood. Feeling like some loud guitar rock? "The Man Who Sold The World" or "Aladdin Sane" should suit you nicely. Wish for some experimental synth-rock? Reach for "Low" or "Heroes". Need some hip, 80's-retro pop? Look no further than "Let's Dance". Or to reflect your premillennial tension, get your ears around "1. Outside" or "Earthling".
Good websites to check The Boy out: (the official website) (Evan Torrie's great fan site)