A Conversation for Winter Birds of the Niagara Gorge

Hi re - Winter Birds of The Niagara Gorge

Post 1


Hi Langsandy
I want to say how much I enjoyed this peice and wondered if this was in its complete form.
It is a fine peice of writing and youmst know this area very well and love being here, well done...smiley - smiley

Hi re - Winter Birds of The Niagara Gorge

Post 2


Well - thanks Bob - I thought it had died and gone to the dump - the Gorge during a sever winter is a fabulous place - cheers - Stan

Hi re - Winter Birds of The Niagara Gorge

Post 3


This peice makes it come alive.smiley - smiley

Hi re - Winter Birds of The Niagara Gorge

Post 4


yes indeed the Gorge is a fabulous place - perhaps a 100,000 gulls in thw air in winter and down through the geological layers of its cliff faces the sleeping fossils of the aeons - thanks - and cheers oh treacle man of the sticky shadows

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