Pinky and the Brain

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They're Pinky and the Brain. They're Pinky and the Brain. One is a Genius, the other is Insane. So opens a television show about two lab mice who try to take over the world. Every episode, every night, the plot is the same: The Brain concocts a scheme to conquer the Earth, and his brain-dead accomplice Pinky helps him to fail. Despite the seemingly repetative nature of the show, it is one of the gems of today's television programming. Chock full of pop-culture references, it is almost entirely above the comprehension level of it's supposed target audience of children. For example, one three-part episode featured a parody of The Prisoner, complete with a giant twine ball chasing runaways. Most viewers of afternoon cartoons weren't even BORN when this show was popular. And even among the adult population, especially in America, The Prisoner is not exactly a well known program. Violence, goofiness, and big words pervade each episode. The show has won numerous awards, including Rob Paulson's Emmy for portraying Pinky. I think the show is best described in the immortal words of Pinky himself, "Why would anyone want to Pierce Brosnan?"

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