A Conversation for Don't Panic

A few random bits of nonsense

Post 1

Censory Deprivation

So, I have been on H2G2 for a few days now, and have developed a few questions. They may actually already be answered somewhere, but I am just too lazy and want the answers to come to me....

1) Is there any way to share our personal information if we so choose? Is there any way to search based on someone else's personal information (email address or real name)

2) Is there any real-time chat feature built into H2G2? There is some mindless chatting that doesn't necessarily need to fill up a forum.

3) Both of my other questions lead me to this one....is there a feedback mechenism for "Feature requests" or things we would like to see on H2G2?

Thanks all.

A few random bits of nonsense

Post 2

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Ah, good, easy ones! smiley - smiley

1) If you click on "Power Search" at the top of the screen it takes you to a page where you can search for articles or other researchers, if you're looking for someone try entering their name or e-mail address into the "Search For a Friend" box.

2) No, there isn't a real time chat feature, but a lot of us do use ICQ - have a look at http://www.h2g2.com/A228205 for a list.

3) Try the feedback forum at http://www.h2g2.com/A5734

Hope this helps!

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