A Conversation for Don't Panic

Being Nice

Post 41

Mrs V

So does anyone have any more ideas how to make poeple happy? Just anyone. what makes you happy? I like nothing better than a cup of ovaltine and a good book really.

Making People Happy

Post 42

Taipan - Jack of Hearts

If you live in the UK, pop down to the local supermarket and look for 'St. Whorts Crisps' Not sure if that's the exact name, but pretty similar anyway. They've only recently come out in the UK, but the magic ingredient is the Whorts Root, which is a natural version of prozac, and lifts your mood.

If you suffer from S.A.D, get a portable tanning machine, the U.V light will also lift your mood. Apporx. 20 minutes per day should see you right.

Finally, find a very secluded spot - in the countryside - take all your clothes off and dance around and scream for 1/2 hour. After you've done this, if you don't end up laughing at the idiocy of the your actions, you need psychiatric help.

Just a not on someones earlier post, it's spelt Szechuan.

Making People Happy

Post 43

Opinionated Lurker

I take pleasure in a small, well decorated bathroom...well, you did ask

Making People Happy

Post 44


what I really, really like doing is riding my bike. Preferably through traffic, and while racing another bike. But just ridings fun on its own.

Its just so much fun, I can't believe so few other people do it. Speed, power, control, I've got everything.

Soon I'll be able to do it again.

OTH, & this is really true, I have been known to get high & start smiling while walking down the street, on the sheer joy of being alive! Every minute of your life spent being miserable is 10 mins wasted. One life, people - This is not a dress rehersal!

H&K&Big Smilies


Making People Happy

Post 45

Mrs V

People could make me happy by emailing me at [email protected]
Are bathrooms a neglected source of pleasure? My bathroom is a shrine to all things smelly and non-harmful to animals or the environment. Thats right, I tend to live in "LUSH" (for those who aren't lucky enough to have one of these temples to pamperdom in their vicinity, its like the body shop, only a billion times better.)

Making People Happy

Post 46

Opinionated Lurker

nah, drop the clutter and go minimalist..you know it makes sense

Being Nice

Post 47


Cool! I like that city... grew up there!

Being Nice

Post 48

Researcher 99593

...anyone yet suggested a smile ? even sad smiles make something happen - cause the opposite is even worse...

Being Nice

Post 49

Mrs V

It takes 17 muscles to smile and 53 to frown. Therefore looking miserable gives you more wrikles!

Being Nice

Post 50


Thats OK you can get cream from the doctors that will clear up your wrikles, make you walk a bit funny for an hour or two after though.

Being Nice

Post 51


there's a quote that goes 'none needs a smile more who has not one to give' or something. Smile a stranger - you could bring down parliament!


Being Nice

Post 52

Mrs V

You get bloody funny looks if you try doing that here! People look at you in shock if you hold a door open for them! Like the woman today who had two toddlers a pram and her shopping trying to get out of the spar, so of course I opened the door for her.
Getting emails from you lovely people is making me very cheered at the minute, so I won't go doing any research into the afterlife just yet!

Being Nice

Post 53


Like I said, norwegs are not renouned for being the worlds most social peeple. smiley - sadface

Keep yer chin up, or something suitably british!


Being Nice

Post 54


Well, may I say all Norwegians are not the same... I just came home from a quite social evening with some friends.
But I think Norwegians are a bit cold, yeah.. got any idea about how to change that?

Being Nice

Post 55


oops, sorry. I didn't mean to diss a whole nation, thats rude!

I think moving Norway to a warmer climate would help, don't you? It's easy to be happy in the med!


Being Nice

Post 56

Lazarus Long

I don't know. I grew up in Hawaii, which is certainly warm enough, and was truly amazed at how freindly people here in northern Michigan were when I first moved here (I think the climate would be similar to that of Norway). Strangers would wave as I drove by on lonely farming community roads.

I think it has a lot more to do with population density. I think people in the cities have just gotten tired of other people, which is why they tend to be a little ornery.

Being Nice

Post 57


I dunno.. I think the people who fancies skiing a lot, wouldn't approve the idea of moving our country to the med. and personally I would miss the snowball-fights.. which are very social.
Om the other hand, I wouldn't mind some SUN and a bit of heat every now and then...
You think people in the med. really are happier??? More social, maybe. Happier, could be.
They might aswell just be faking it. Walking around kissing everybody as I had to do while I was in Italy, made me really tired after a while...

Being Nice

Post 58

Mrs V

Generally people in Norway are hard to get to know at first, but when you do break the ice (sorry) you discover they are very warm people. Or I get around it by becomeing very good friends with the more outgoing ones. ( Yes I did have a good weekend thank you Z) I do like it here, even if I do get rained on all the time. And my Norwegian is coming on leaps and bounds even if I still find it difficult to write it, having never had a class to teach me spelling or grammar and stuff like that. But people I talk too get impressed that even though I'm not from Norway, I speak Nynorsk, instead of what is counted as proper for poeple who have just moved here to learn, which is Bokmål. My two closest friends here both speak different dialects of Nynorsk, so I fit write in! øh, and Vakuum, I went to school in Førde for a year too, which is how I learnt a bit of Norsk in the first place.
Bye for now

Being Nice

Post 59


I guess you are right.. as a Norwegian it's hard for me to say what we seem like for people from other nations.
Let me ask you one things: do you find it difficult to understand different dialects in Norway?
I would find it very impressing if a person from a foreign country spoke\wrote in nynorsk! Especially since mostly foreign people don't even bother to learn the language. (At least not the ones living in my area.)
Well, enjoy yourself in Norway then! Personally I am looking forward to move to England..

Being Nice

Post 60

Mrs V

Well I've got a spare bedroom in my house in Newcastle if you want to visit! I have had so many people open their doors to me to stay that I do the same with others, and its only 36 days now until i go home (a friend told me in an email, I've completely lost count!) I find it very difficult to understand people from the east of the country! (Any Norwegians reading this will probably find that funny!) I do speak Nynorsk to the best of my abilities, and even our Portugese exchange students are trying to learn a little, even though we're here for less than three months! I'm going to buy a Grammer book, and try to learn better how to write in Norwegian, thats my new years resolution!

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