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1000 foot Invisible Mutant Killer Vampire Alien Ghosts With Huge Tentacles Attack New York!!!

This is the sort of incredibly plausible plot line that super-realistic B-Movies have. Most aren't even this good.

A B-movie is a film that has a director that wants to get on in the business that is show. This director will have heard of the phrases 'high-budget special effects blockbuster', 'convincing dramatic performance', 'wry satire' and 'gritty, realistic cinema' but wants no truck with them. He (and it will undoubtedly be a he) will wear a flat cap, probably pink or pastel blue or yellow, fake tweed or brown/pastel pink/yellow/blue trousers, have a slightly effeminate voice and go around calling everybody 'ducky', 'daaaaaarling' or 'luvvies/luvs'. He will have an equally effeminate personal assistant called Potty. Or Donald.

A B-movie is a film with a budget the size of a cockroach's colostomy bag, and a cast of showbiz wannabes with such a wooden style that small furry animals have started to nest in their trousers. The actors will make great play of pointing at the great big 1000 foot Invisible Mutant Killer Vampire Alien Ghosts With Huge Tentacles Attacking New York. These are artistic luvvies in their purest form. They will go on and on and on about the time when they once shook Frank Sinatra's hand, or when they saw Dennis Norden across the room at a party. They will complain about how badly they're paid, and how badly they're treated by the producer/studio owner delete as applicable.

The producer of these films will always be a very large man who smokes a Cuban cigar (probably rolled on the thigh of a dusky maiden) that is banned in Singapore because of it's obscene shape, and used as a sturdy tent pole in the English countryside.

Having said that, some B-movies are actually quite good.

I can't think of any off the top of my head, but there must be some.


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