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Those of us used to writing technical and business reports know how difficult it can be to use just the right phrase to convey the true depth of your topic. Now, professionals and students alike can seem like etymological geniuses, thanks to the "Systematic Buzz Phrase Projector" created by Phillip Broughton, a U.S. Public Health Service official.

Using only 30 carefully chosen buzz words, you can woo your way through any written or oral presentation:

*Column 1*............... *Column 2* .............. *Column 3*

0. integrated........... 0. management........ 0. options

1. total......................1. organizational........1. flexibility

2. systematized...... 2. monitored...............2. capability

3. parallel.................3. reciprocal...............3. mobility

4. functional.............4. digital......................4. programming

5. responsive......... 5. logistical..................5. concept

6. optional...............6. transitional............. 6. time-phase

7. synchronized...... 7. incremental.............7. projection

8. compatible......... 8. third-generation..... 8. hardware

9. balanced............ 9. policy...................... 9. contingency

USAGE: Randomly pick any three-digit number. Now select the corresponding buzzword from each column. For instance, "748" produces "synchronized transitional hardware", or "839" yeilds "responsive reciprocal contingency", a phrase which can be dropped into any report with the ring of authority.

"No one will have any idea what you're talking about," says Broughton, "but they're probably not about to admit it.

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