
2 Conversations

Swindon - commonly know to those of us who migrated here in search of money as the bowels of the earth. Strangly, it is also one of the richest towns in the UK although you wouldn't know that if you enjoyed good food, architecture, decent shops and entertainment. It has a growing population, a town planning department with a remarkably poor knowledge of planning and a total lack of taste when it comes to residential property design. There is almost a complete lack of infrastructure to support the ever expanding population other that roundabouts which are swindon's answer to road junctions as the planning department still haven't worked out give way signs or even traffic lights. There is crumbling health system only just supported by the valiant attempts of the staff at P.M.H, which is due to be closed and replaced by a hospital which will offer fewer beds trying to cater for an increasing population. Perhaps some of you will understand this logic, you know - closing a hospital and selling it off - raising money under PFI to build an even smaller hospital at the wrong end of the town away from the majority of its expanding population, and spending the proceeds of the sale on - well who knows, but it will probably be more roundabouts. Swindon is just Crewe with money !

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