A Conversation for The Art of Cold Reading

Peer Review: A14644262 - The Art of Cold Reading

Post 1


Entry: The Art of Cold Reading - A14644262
Author: Serephina..in attack of the killer wheelchair - U191719

smiley - ok

A14644262 - The Art of Cold Reading

Post 2

TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office

I've just read the Writing Workshop convo. It looks like this one was in cold storage for quite a while.

Good article!

I'm sure there's a guy (D. Brown?) who's honest and up-front about the fact that he's actually cold reading. He does a 'messages from the spirits' act on stage, but will openly say in interviews that it is just an act, and explain how it works.

I saw him in a YouTube video once, being interviewed, I think, by R. Dawkins.

Might be an interesting area for further research, that's all.

TRiG.smiley - smiley

A14644262 - The Art of Cold Reading

Post 3


Do you mean Derren Brown? He's very very good at it.

Yes this was in storage for ages with a load of other entries I had forgotton all about!

A14644262 - The Art of Cold Reading

Post 4

TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office

I think that was the name, yes.

A14644262 - The Art of Cold Reading

Post 5

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.

Crivvens! This has been kicking around for a while, Seraph smiley - smiley

I like it and I'll give it foive

A few typos;

Under How Cold Reading Works

smiley - ghostcould apply to anyone for instance, ---> semi colon after anyone(?)

smiley - ghostgeneralisms ---> is that even a word? generalisations may sound better (to my ears anyway)

smiley - ghostCold reading is without doubt very versatile, ---> personally I would put a comma after 'is' and another after 'doubt'

smiley - ghostrealiing it. ---> realising

Doris Stokes, among others was ---> comma after 'others'

Under Cold reading in History

smiley - ghostamerican sptitualist mvement ---> American Spiritualist Movement

Under Other uses of Cold Reading

smiley - ghostCold reading techniques can be, and are used in ---> comma after 'are'

smiley - ghostFor instance they ---> comma after 'instance'

Doris Stokes has been known to me for many a year as a glass of wine - well she was a 'large white medium' smiley - groan

Good to see you back in PR smiley - hug

A14644262 - The Art of Cold Reading

Post 6

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.

I knew there was something else...

Derren Brown is Ch4 tonight 14/03 at 9pm.

A14644262 - The Art of Cold Reading

Post 7


I really must learn how to type ..chers mags! smiley - ok

A14644262 - The Art of Cold Reading

Post 8

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Previous review thread: F5159979?thread=3521422
Serephina if you check posting 14 you'll find Bel posted a whole load of corrections which you haven't attended to, and I'm reluctant to review this until you have, because it's a waste of time, when I would just point out the same things.

smiley - starsmiley - diva

A14644262 - The Art of Cold Reading

Post 9

TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office

Unlike Pterry's Mrs Cake, who's a medium verging on small.

TRiG.smiley - winkeyesmiley - witch

A14644262 - The Art of Cold Reading

Post 10

BigAl Patron Saint of Left Handers Keeper of the Glowing Pickle and Monobrows

'The Fox sisters, the founders of the american sptitualist mvement in the 1840's were proven hoaxters'.



A14644262 - The Art of Cold Reading

Post 11

Fizzymouse- no place like home

Hi there Serephina - nice to see you back in PR. James Randi currently has one million dollars (I think - but not sure about the amount) in an account for the first person who can prove the existance of the spirit world - so far no takers.smiley - ghost

I'm also pretty sure that American medium John Edwards - who is a tv medium and can be very specific - has had tests done at one of the big American Unis which showed an are of his brain became more active when he was doing a reading - not sure of the actual findings - if any - of the research though.smiley - erm

smiley - mouse

A14644262 - The Art of Cold Reading

Post 12

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Any chance of an update, Serephina?

A14644262 - The Art of Cold Reading

Post 13


updated smiley - ok

A14644262 - The Art of Cold Reading

Post 14


This Article is "not for review"smiley - ermdo you want us to start reviewing again?

A14644262 - The Art of Cold Reading

Post 15


sorry i thought id changed that

A14644262 - The Art of Cold Reading

Post 16

loonycat - run out of fizz

Not reviewing, just reading...

Very good article smiley - smiley

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