Being a customer

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It's great. The great new age of consumer goods, the only problem being that in this crazy fast paced world you can't get decent customer service. Perhaps I'm too British and don't go insane like our American cousins.

You have a problem with something in your house. You go to the shop and complain. They say the new part will be in in a week. It's not, you go back and they don't remember speaking to you, it was someone else, they haven't ever heard of . After several trips you are given a wrong part and decide to give up. The device does most of what it's supposed to and you can't be bothered with the hastle anymore.

Someone then 'phones you up from and says "I've been given you problem to sort." "Great," you say and explain that you've had two wrong parts. The guy says that they want before they send the right one. You think 'why didn't they tell me this 8 weeks ago' and tell him again that you have 2 wrong parts. He says, "I'll speak to my colleagues and get back to you." You never hear from them again.

Obviously the first person ran away on holiday dumping problems on the next guy who, when he realises they are problems, decides "forget this."

Annoying isn't it, happens all the time.

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