Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia

4 Conversations

A town located in the top bit of the desolate wasteland known as the Northern Territory in Australia. A thriving social microcosm, the population is roughly divided into rednecks and hippies. Beer is plentiful, and flows freely. Impress the locals with your worldly wit and you're bound to get some action.

The Darwin Museum is excellent, as are the numerous War Memorials littering the landscape. The Aviation Museum has a nice B-52, one of only four on display in the world. Visit the territory wildlife park too: it is world-class.

Do not swim between October to May or you risk being attacked by box jellyfish. If you do get stung, do not do the usual routine of urinating on the wound to dull the pain. Any native of Darwin worth his salt carries a bottle of vinegar to achieve the same purpose, so make sure you bring some too.

If your car breaks down, you will get help. If you see someone broken down, help them. Share your booze, and booze will be shared with you. And finally, carry spare water and petrol in your car.

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