A Conversation for The confusing unknown
My brain hurts
Colin (The Happy Robot) Posted Sep 7, 1999
Ok time for a subject change.
School subjects (probably not want you want see right now but you can't escape it forever), I always liked Maths and Science type subjects at school whilst hating design technology, languages and art type subjects, you?
My brain hurts
Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga Posted Sep 7, 1999
I don't hate DT. I detest it. It's the worst subject there is.
Maths and Science are cool. I like em. And English. And possibly German and French. Possibly. As subjects.
Ermmmmm I like art, but I'm awful at it, so therefore I can't really say it's a good subject. (you can figure that one out !!! )
And I hate all kinds of sport. Especially the one where we had to run round the field twice. ANd the time when we played hockey and it was so cold the skins on my fingers actually shrunk a bit and my veins hardened and stuck out. I'll never forgive them for that. ANd sports in the summer is bad cos I get hayfever.
My brain hurts
Colin (The Happy Robot) Posted Sep 7, 1999
I am hopeless at art but still do the odd bit of sketching just as a form of relaxation, the same goes for writing really.
I enjoyed sports, I was a hopeless rugby player but had the advantage of being nearly 6 foot tall and 13 stone when I was 16 making me ideal prop material (front row of the scrum). I was also a good badminton player, in the top 3 players in the sixth form but it has been 2 years since I picked up my raquet so am a bit out of practice now.
My brain hurts
Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga Posted Sep 7, 1999
Ah yes that reminds me -tennis I don't mind.
I gotta go now. I'm gonna try and get as much sleep as possible tonight or maybe try to sleep straight through till midday tomorrw which would be a bad idea. *sigh* school *sigh*
When next?
My brain hurts
Colin (The Happy Robot) Posted Sep 7, 1999
Well I can be here at 6 tomorrow but I'd have to go at 6:40 in order to be in work on time that evening, which seems hardly worth it. After that it's 8:30 Thursday or anytime after 3 on Sunday. Anything there convienient for you?
My brain hurts
Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga Posted Sep 7, 1999
Tomorrow - forty minutes? It's enough.. and SUnday.. that's definitely ok.. unless I have homework.. which WILL wait. could both do?
My brain hurts
Colin (The Happy Robot) Posted Sep 7, 1999
Good, I'm glad your not getting bored of me already.
My brain hurts
Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga Posted Sep 9, 1999
Oh good. Hey if you lok around, things have changed on h2g2. Things like the fact taht now you can actually see the message you are replying to, and there have been strange changes on user pages and home pages. ANd the users list has now got *new today after ... well guess.
My brain hurts
Colin (The Happy Robot) Posted Sep 9, 1999
I'll take a look around in a minute. Although I think I already mentioned that it would be nice to be able to see the message I am replying to so it looks like I got my wish.
My brain hurts
Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga Posted Sep 9, 1999
Gooooooooooooood I gotta go in aminute cos I'm sure I've forgotten my Geog homework.
My brain hurts
Colin (The Happy Robot) Posted Sep 9, 1999
Forgotten as in left it somewhere or forgotten as in not done it?
Key: Complain about this post
My brain hurts
- 221: Colin (The Happy Robot) (Sep 7, 1999)
- 222: Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga (Sep 7, 1999)
- 223: Colin (The Happy Robot) (Sep 7, 1999)
- 224: Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga (Sep 7, 1999)
- 225: Colin (The Happy Robot) (Sep 7, 1999)
- 226: Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga (Sep 7, 1999)
- 227: Colin (The Happy Robot) (Sep 7, 1999)
- 228: Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga (Sep 7, 1999)
- 229: Colin (The Happy Robot) (Sep 7, 1999)
- 230: Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga (Sep 8, 1999)
- 231: Colin (The Happy Robot) (Sep 8, 1999)
- 232: Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga (Sep 9, 1999)
- 233: Colin (The Happy Robot) (Sep 9, 1999)
- 234: Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga (Sep 9, 1999)
- 235: Colin (The Happy Robot) (Sep 9, 1999)
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