A Conversation for The confusing unknown
My brain hurts
Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga Posted Aug 23, 1999
They'll keep you busy for a few weeks! Or maybe not.. I don't know how clever you are, do I? The number one won't be too hard. It wasn't classed as "tough" as the others were.
My brain hurts
Colin (The Happy Robot) Posted Aug 23, 1999
I don't know, but I will tell you my solutions to the problems as soon as I work out what they are.
My brain hurts
Colin (The Happy Robot) Posted Aug 23, 1999
Just don't expect them anytime soon, although I do not start work unitl 12:30 tomorrow and so have part of the morning to give it a go.
My brain hurts
Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga Posted Aug 23, 1999
I'm sure you'll get them in time.
My brain hurts
Colin (The Happy Robot) Posted Aug 23, 1999
Well, yeah, give me long enough I could get the solutions via random guessing, but that's not really the point is it?
My brain hurts
Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga Posted Aug 24, 1999
Nope.. but that's how I solve algebraic equations.
keledy Posted Aug 24, 1999
here is my summary of this whole brain hurting mess (is this right?):
no one knows =unknown
2 ppl (no one else) know =unknown
only if they keep it a secret
tell others, who must keep it a "secret" =unknown
knowing people = the possible spreading of knowing
THEN... ppl pretend not to know the answers, but if there was some way to find out what they know could we escape searching for the answers ourselves.
does this seem correct thus far?
i'm gonna make this a bit less abstract...
there are only two people in the world who know the recipe for Coke (the fizzy soda/pop drink)
know one knows who they are, except the 2 ppl.
they are never allowed to be on the same airplane or in the same place. (so neither of them die because of the same natural disaster)
they are not supposed to tell anyone that they know.
but how is the secret recipe continually made?
and does the same thing happen with Pepsi? do they have only 2 ppl who know the secret?
Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga Posted Aug 25, 1999
Don't look at me!! I'm as lost as the next kid!
Hey.. look.. the title's changed. change it back someone!!
My brain hurts
Colin (The Happy Robot) Posted Aug 25, 1999
That better!
Just remember take deep breaths and try not to panic, that's my job. After all someone has to remain level headed in a crisis and I nominate you.
My brain hurts
Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga Posted Aug 25, 1999
I'm the one who started crying like mad when there was a fire drill in infant school ... but that was in infant school wasn't it?!
My brain hurts
Colin (The Happy Robot) Posted Aug 25, 1999
Hopefully you've grown out of that by now then.
Saying that I have managed to sleep through a fire alarm in my hall, up to and including when security knocked on my door in order to make sure the building was completely evacuated. Fortunately it was not a major confligation just a drunk who put some fish fingers on the grill and promptly passed out due to alcohol.
My brain hurts
Colin (The Happy Robot) Posted Aug 25, 1999
It's kind of difficult to panic if you're asleep.
As for smilies I can do ones like or whatever if you want.
My brain hurts
Colin (The Happy Robot) Posted Aug 25, 1999
Ok, I didn't realise that the computer drew the faces for you, so what appeared was a bit of a surprise.
Key: Complain about this post
My brain hurts
- 81: Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga (Aug 23, 1999)
- 82: Colin (The Happy Robot) (Aug 23, 1999)
- 83: Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga (Aug 23, 1999)
- 84: Colin (The Happy Robot) (Aug 23, 1999)
- 85: Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga (Aug 23, 1999)
- 86: Colin (The Happy Robot) (Aug 23, 1999)
- 87: Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga (Aug 24, 1999)
- 88: keledy (Aug 24, 1999)
- 89: Colin (The Happy Robot) (Aug 25, 1999)
- 90: Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga (Aug 25, 1999)
- 91: Colin (The Happy Robot) (Aug 25, 1999)
- 92: Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga (Aug 25, 1999)
- 93: Colin (The Happy Robot) (Aug 25, 1999)
- 94: Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga (Aug 25, 1999)
- 95: Colin (The Happy Robot) (Aug 25, 1999)
- 96: Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga (Aug 25, 1999)
- 97: Colin (The Happy Robot) (Aug 25, 1999)
- 98: Colin (The Happy Robot) (Aug 25, 1999)
- 99: Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga (Aug 25, 1999)
- 100: Colin (The Happy Robot) (Aug 25, 1999)
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