A Conversation for The confusing unknown
My brain hurts
Colin (The Happy Robot) Posted Aug 21, 1999
Might just go onto the BBC site for a moment and shcek on the news (I have friends holidaying in Turkey) but will be back soon.
My brain hurts
Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga Posted Aug 21, 1999
i'm back!
i've just eating the quickest meal i've ever eaten in my whole life and my stomach is telling me it didn't like it.
i hope your friends are ok.
My brain hurts
Colin (The Happy Robot) Posted Aug 21, 1999
Probably not a good idea to rush your food, but too late to do anything about it now.
As for my friends I'm sure they're fine.
My brain hurts
Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga Posted Aug 21, 1999
if i suddenly disappear without warning, you'll know something's happened.
My brain hurts
Colin (The Happy Robot) Posted Aug 21, 1999
Right I'll be on standby when you get back if you should disappear.
My brain hurts
Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga Posted Aug 21, 1999
how nice of you .. i'm sure i ll be okay!!
Side thought: why am i the only one here who's always ill?!
My brain hurts
Colin (The Happy Robot) Posted Aug 21, 1999
I bet there's someone else living within a mile of your home who thinks the same thing.
However as that reads as a rhetorical question I won't even attempt to answer it.
My brain hurts
Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga Posted Aug 21, 1999
good idea.
i only personally know two people on h2g2. but they're never ill, or if they are then they don't say anything. i complain too much (oh no i'm turning into my mother!!)
My brain hurts
Colin (The Happy Robot) Posted Aug 21, 1999
Including you, I know 4 people on h2g2, one always seems to need a tissue and another has to take enough asthma and hayfever medicines for the rest of Britain.
My brain hurts
Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga Posted Aug 21, 1999
there you go -you've reminded me that i get hayfever too. AAAERRRGGGGHHHEHHAAAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
you're so un-illthat i'm almost jealous!!!
My brain hurts
Colin (The Happy Robot) Posted Aug 21, 1999
Sorry. I'll go stand in a pond for a couple of hours in order to catch a cold if it'll make you feel better.
My brain hurts
Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga Posted Aug 21, 1999
don't do that. although it's very nice of you.
My brain hurts
Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga Posted Aug 21, 1999
I can just imagine you saying "your wish is my command"!!
My brain hurts
Colin (The Happy Robot) Posted Aug 21, 1999
Now given that there is no way you could know what my voice sounds like I'm curious as to how you can imagine me saying anything.
My brain hurts
Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga Posted Aug 21, 1999
okay, so i'm not, but i have predicted loadsa things: esp songs oming on the radio. and dreams have become reality.
My brain hurts
Colin (The Happy Robot) Posted Aug 21, 1999
I hear about that a lot. Unfortunately I rarely remember dreams, but what does occassionally happen is I see a picture in my mind just as I'm waking then a few days later I'll be walking along and that very same scene will play out in front of me.
My brain hurts
Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga Posted Aug 21, 1999
or these strange occurances could just be coicidences.. or maybe in a past life...
Key: Complain about this post
My brain hurts
- 41: Colin (The Happy Robot) (Aug 21, 1999)
- 42: Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga (Aug 21, 1999)
- 43: Colin (The Happy Robot) (Aug 21, 1999)
- 44: Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga (Aug 21, 1999)
- 45: Colin (The Happy Robot) (Aug 21, 1999)
- 46: Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga (Aug 21, 1999)
- 47: Colin (The Happy Robot) (Aug 21, 1999)
- 48: Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga (Aug 21, 1999)
- 49: Colin (The Happy Robot) (Aug 21, 1999)
- 50: Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga (Aug 21, 1999)
- 51: Colin (The Happy Robot) (Aug 21, 1999)
- 52: Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga (Aug 21, 1999)
- 53: Colin (The Happy Robot) (Aug 21, 1999)
- 54: Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga (Aug 21, 1999)
- 55: Colin (The Happy Robot) (Aug 21, 1999)
- 56: Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga (Aug 21, 1999)
- 57: Colin (The Happy Robot) (Aug 21, 1999)
- 58: Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga (Aug 21, 1999)
- 59: Colin (The Happy Robot) (Aug 21, 1999)
- 60: Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga (Aug 21, 1999)
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