A Conversation for Tim Curry - Actor
Some more of his roles
CRich70 Started conversation Nov 30, 2006
Mr. Curry also provided the voice of Capt. James Hook in the cartoon series of Peter Pan which ran a few years back. And though he was under a lot of makeup he played the character of "Darkness" in the fantasy movie "Legend" opposite Tom Cruise back in the early 80's.
He was also in "Home alone 2: Lost in new york." Cathrine O'hara asks him, "What kind of idiots do you have here anyway." And he replies (with a smile), "Madame only the best." lol.
He's very versatile in his acting, and can play either a straight villain or a comedic character equally well. IMO.
I still remember the scene in "Clue" where he was stumbling round in the dark and turned what he thought was a doorknob, but which turned out to be the spigot for a bathroom shower. lol.
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Some more of his roles
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