A Conversation for The Straussenwirtschaft - a popular seasonal tavern

Peer Review: A13671362 - The Straussenwirtschaft - a popular seasonal tavern

Post 1

aka Bel - A87832164

Entry: The Straussenwirtschaft - a popular seasonal tavern - A13671362
Author: B'Elana -ACE - Minister of Abbrev. - U230913

Thought this would be a nice addition to the Federweißen entry smiley - smiley

Any suggestions welcome

A13671362 - The Straussenwirtschaft - a popular seasonal tavern

Post 2

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

spellings as follows:

In the early days, vintners had to get their wine barrels empty from last year's remainders, so in autumn, shortly before the next vintage, they invited neighbours and guests into their living room to finish off the wine. By and by, the space didn't suffice anymore, hence cellars, barnes and/or patios were equipped with tables and benches to fit the needs of hosting lots of people. Nowadays, you can even find extensions built especially for this purpose.

Barnes should be barns.

It is said that the Straußenwirtschaft is based on the so called Kranzwirtschaften. Vintners were given permission to run a sort of gastronomy (selling wine and homemade food on their grounds) by emperor Charlemagne in 791 AD . This authorisation was displayed by hanging a wreath of vine or ivy above the door.

There is a space between AD and the fullstop which shouldn’t be there.

• The opening time is limited to a maximum of four months per year, these can be broken into two periods. The planned service times have to be announced at the trade control office in advance.

The comma after year seems to read better as a semi colon

A rather interesting piece of work. Its people like you who give us a proper look into other countries that we haven't been to.

A13671362 - The Straussenwirtschaft - a popular seasonal tavern

Post 3

aka Bel - A87832164

Thanks, have corrected the mistakes. smiley - smiley
Well, it's the country I live in, and I feel safer to write about things I know and have been to, or experienced in some way. smiley - smiley
And what do you mean: you haven't been to smiley - yikessmiley - winkeye

A13671362 - The Straussenwirtschaft - a popular seasonal tavern

Post 4


smiley - cheersBelena, how's the there?I'll put it on my list for a visit when I win the Poolssmiley - laugh
Nothersmiley - planet

A13671362 - The Straussenwirtschaft - a popular seasonal tavern

Post 5


Short and sweet, but all the necessaries, like it smiley - ok

A13671362 - The Straussenwirtschaft - a popular seasonal tavern

Post 6

aka Bel - A87832164

Thanks Matt - no glaring mistakes that VV might have missed ?
Nother smiley - planet : the smiley - ale here is very good, but Ferderweißer is even better smiley - ok

A13671362 - The Straussenwirtschaft - a popular seasonal tavern

Post 7


No, can't see anything that jumps out and says 'Hey, I'm a glaring mistake, tickle me!' smiley - smiley

A13671362 - The Straussenwirtschaft - a popular seasonal tavern

Post 8

aka Bel - A87832164

Oh, good, because I'm sure I wouldn't find them for some reason smiley - biggrin

A13671362 - The Straussenwirtschaft - a popular seasonal tavern

Post 9


Nice article Bel, short, concise, informative.
Looks all done and dusted to me.smiley - cheers

A13671362 - The Straussenwirtschaft - a popular seasonal tavern

Post 10

aka Bel - A87832164

Thanks ST smiley - cheers

A13671362 - The Straussenwirtschaft - a popular seasonal tavern

Post 11

Icy North

Hi Bel smiley - smiley

Another fine little article. It would really benefit from a picture of some winos, sorry, connoisseurs enjoying themselves in a Straußenwirtschaft. Maybe you could find something to link to?

When you say "many wine feasts are celebrated in the Straußenwirtschaften", is there any sort of organised entertainment, music, singing, dancing, etc?

A13671362 - The Straussenwirtschaft - a popular seasonal tavern

Post 12

aka Bel - A87832164

Hi Icy smiley - smiley
The feasts are organised, and there's usually music and entertainment,but these feasts usually aren't reduced to just one Straußenwirtschaft, but are held in the village. Many villages even boast of a 'wine' queen (?)who is elected every year and represents her region during wine feasts in her own as well as in other places. Where I live, we have an 'applewine' queen, because our region is an apple-growing region, not grapes.
I'll go and search for a photo smiley - run

A13671362 - The Straussenwirtschaft - a popular seasonal tavern

Post 13

aka Bel - A87832164

I've now linked to a site with several photos, but the text is in German smiley - erm Tell me what you think.

A13671362 - The Straussenwirtschaft - a popular seasonal tavern

Post 14

Icy North

I think you should add to the article your description of the local wine feasts. It adds a lot of colour. smiley - ok

A13671362 - The Straussenwirtschaft - a popular seasonal tavern

Post 15

Icy North


Yes, the pictures help a lot smiley - ok I'm sure you won't find much out there in English!!!

A13671362 - The Straussenwirtschaft - a popular seasonal tavern

Post 16

aka Bel - A87832164

I'll try to work the wine queens in later, must finish something else first smiley - ok

A13671362 - The Straussenwirtschaft - a popular seasonal tavern

Post 17

aka Bel - A87832164

I have now updated the entry smiley - puff I guess I should write an entry about the German Wein~ and Apfelweinköniginnen smiley - laugh

A13671362 - The Straussenwirtschaft - a popular seasonal tavern

Post 18

Sho - employed again!

*smiley - runin panting*
smiley - applause

Singing? Surely there is Shunkelmusik?

A13671362 - The Straussenwirtschaft - a popular seasonal tavern

Post 19

aka Bel - A87832164

I'm not really sure, I think there are often brass bands playing ( during the parades), and afterwards, it's probably Heimatmusik (folk) but I really don't know. smiley - erm

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Post 20

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