Mr Squiggle (In progress)

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Mr Squiggle is Australia's longest running TV show and the worlds longest-running Children's TV show. It started 40 years ago in 1959, It stars Mr Squiggle (of course), Gus the Snail, Blackboard (the blackboard), Doormat (Mr Squiggle's room-mate), Bill Steamshovel (the staeamshovel), Rocket (the pet rocket that he travels to Earth in), and a Human helper (there have been 6 in total).

He lives on the moon, although he often comes down to Earth to visit his friends, either via rocket or 'moon-walk'.

Mr Squiggle's most remarkable feature is his nose, which is an HB pencil. He uses his nose to draw many things, and often finishes other people's drawings for them. He is dressed in a yellow smock, and wears a green pointed hat. He has a very long, snakey neck, and unstable arms (hence the reason for the pencil-nose).

The famous song, that almost any Australian would be able to sing you goes like this:
Here's Mr Squiggle

With lots of fun for everyone

Here's Mr Squiggle, sing a happy tune

You can see we're as happy as can be

Mr Squiggle, the man from the moon.


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