Adding another cat to your household without tears

5 Conversations

Many cat households will face the challenge of adding more cats to the mix. A cat's first experience with new fur on the floor often comes when one cat's human servant becomes enamored of another cat's human. Suddenly and viciously, one of the humans will turn on its cat, stuff it into a smallish box punched with a few holes and, in a panicked state, abandon home.

Cats and humans

A human columnist once wrote that 'Cats are the only animal whose entire existence is utterly dependent upon people.' He had, of course, completely misunderstood the cat/human relationship.

Indeed, cats do just fine without human interaction, and many times they do better. On Florida's 'Space Coast,' there are prides of feral cats roaming tens of thousands of acres of wild, suburban, and urban land. Amazingly, the local people in charge have initiated a program to spay and neuter, rather than kill, wild cats. Once spayed the cats are again released, right where they were found...

Cats need space

Why? Because a cat likes to occupy a certain amount of space. Remove a cat from its wild range, and another will take its place.What works in the wild works at home, too. The move-in cat is invading the territory of another cat who was getting along just perfectly fine, thank you very much, until its human attendant went all ga-ga over another human.

There are numerous consequences to introducing more cats into a home: spraying, scratching, random acts of pointless violence, howls, shrieks, loss of appetite, gorging, refusal to use the litter box, sleeping in the litter box, and toe biting. To name a few. And that's just among the humans. The cats can be much worse.

Our researchers have learned that a reasonably-sized home (over 1,000 square feet), and shared by two human attendants, can accommodate four cats fairly well, especially a mix of three females to one male. (This ratio does not work out so well for humans). Adding a male, spayed or not, creates tension in the group, even when the truly dominant cats (younger and/or larger) are the females. So Jan and Dean1 were onto something. However, up to eleven cats have lived together with our research team, seven permanent cats plus four more on a temporary basis.

Introducing kitty

Here's the suggested method:

New cats are kept for three days in a separate room, with closed door (say an extra bathroom, bedroom, foyer, or laundry room). Provide litter, water, and a nest for rest. Naturally, the human attendant has already ensured the cat is bug and disease free. Don't say 'Ooops!' For the first couple of days, both current and new cats will be at the door, growling at its opposite number. By the third day, bored, the new cat will be anxious to explore beyond its little realm, and the current cat(s) will be back to more of a normal routine.

It's time to let the cat out of the bag, but accompany it wherever it goes. Contrary to what you may have read elsewhere, do not heap praise on the current cats whilst ignoring the new. Cats are not stupid and they see plainly through this ugly charade. Follow closely, but do not interfere or directly interact. Above all, do not throw cats at one another. That is right out!

Instead, allow them to go nose to nose at their own pace. This will happen, perhaps even as a result of a chase around the house. Exciting! When the growling starts -- and it will -- in a low, stern voice, slowly say the current cat's name, eg, 'Pu-u-u-u-sss...' Repeat as needed. Do not under any circumstances allow a fight to break out, especially between the two humans. A simple plant sprayer can be effective at breaking up catfights. You two goofballs need to be united on this, so sit up and behave, and this means scooping poop from the catbox(es) each time a cat goes 1s or 2s, and keeping fresh water available at all times. And being nice to each other. Cats aren't the keenest sniffers, so keeping their property reasonably clean during the introduction goes a long way toward preventing disruptions. Afterwards, too.

It may be necessary to place the new cat back in his/her room over the third night. Maybe not. Our researchers have experienced both. Some cats just have a knack for fitting in. Others don't. The following day, assuming things went well on day three, there'll be no need to trail the new cat around, but be alert for those growls and repeat the stern warning. This time, however, issue the warning to whichever cat is looking for trouble. Sharing the blame is part of the process of sharing the home.

Please note that some cats never become friends. Tortoiseshells2 especially seem to maintain that independent streak, even in a two-cat household, where other cats almost always pal up fast and close. But cats who become friends are a joy. And intelligent cats will test your patience, limits, and brains. Willow, a large charcoal shorthair, could open any door. And you don't want to know what he did to the cushions in the breakfast nook. Look in Willow's eyes, and realize that lacking opposable thumbs was the sole obstacle to him ruling the world. Match that, Lassie! So you see, dear cat attendant, it is possible to add to the flock, even temporarily. Some day, if cats have identified you as an apt attendant, you will be asked to make room for more.

Finding your new feline friend

By the way, if you're looking for a feline to call your house home, the animal shelter and your own back yard or alley are the places to look. Who says you can't teach a human new tricks?

Useful Weblinks

Getting a Cat
1Jan and Dean's US number 1 hit 'Surf City' contained the line, 'Two girls for every boy'.2Known as calicos in the US.

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